5 Reactions From Highly Sensitive People Who Surprise Others

To understand highly sensitive people, it is important to try to put yourself in their shoes and, above all, not to judge them if we are not able to understand their view of the world.
5 reactions from highly sensitive people that surprise others

Highly sensitive people can arouse the misunderstanding of others. On many occasions, they are seen as too “exaggerated”.

It is normal if we take into account that, when faced with an everyday situation, they respond in an automatic and unexpected way, in a way that attracts attention.

However, judging before knowing what happens always leads to misunderstandings. We are not aware of the discomfort they may feel when generating this type of reaction.

1. Highly sensitive people can’t stand the pressure

Pressure and highly sensitive people

Having too many tasks to do can make them anguish. They prefer to focus on just one and give it their all. Therefore, they can be very creative people.

They work much better alone and in a peaceful environment. When this is not so, stress sets in and they are unable to be effective and productive.

If there is noise around them or someone that makes them pay attention to several issues at the same time, they will start to feel blocked.

When this happens, highly sensitive people become irritable and in a mood difficult to bear.

2. They don’t like chaotic environments

Tranquility and highly sensitive people

In our society, chaos is always welcomed. It seems that we are looking for noise, loud music, strong stimuli that keep us away from silence.

However, highly sensitive people shy away from it all.

Getting too many stimuli at the same time can be maddening for them. Smells, sounds, interruptions… All of this eliminates the balance they had until now.

Sometimes they get to the point where the mere noise of chewing or any tic that someone might have bothers them.

The reaction they show to these “little things” is very intense and ends up upsetting the people around them, who do not understand the reason for their discomfort.

3. Take things personally

For a person who is highly sensitive, most situations they experience are “personal”. This is because they are very empathetic.

They react in a very intense way to social injustices or the harm that one person may have caused to another free of charge.

This is also because they are too fixated on details. They are experts in analyzing the non-verbal language that communicates more than words.

Therefore, they will always be able to detect if you are trustworthy, if you are hiding something…

This doesn’t please and makes others uncomfortable, because, in general, people don’t tend to settle down and analyze these micro-expressions that we all have.

Some believe they are just a figment of their imagination, others try to tell them “don’t take it personally”. But none of this will work…

4. They need solitude like the air they breathe

Loneliness and highly sensitive people

This can be quite surprising to the rest of the world, as people generally avoid being alone, they are afraid of feeling cut off from everything and everyone.

However, highly sensitive people seek solitude. That moment of peace and tranquility where nothing from the outside will affect them.

This, however, can cause annoyance on the part of your friends, as it is normal for them to refuse invitations, to turn off their cell phones for a whole day or to not like to respond to messages.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t like to spend time with others, but that they need more time for themselves than others. Being alone, without anyone… A situation that sometimes brings them problems with their partner.

5. If they feel any pain, it won’t be the same

highly sensitive people

The balance of highly sensitive people not only comes from within, but also from without. Perhaps because they are so attached to your body.

A headache or stomachache, being hungry or any other type of malaise can be unbearable and change your mood, without any explanation.

All of this causes instantaneous changes in your behavior that leave those around you disconcerted.

It is sometimes difficult to deal with highly sensitive people, as putting yourself in their shoes is very complicated.

However, not judging, trying to ask to understand and open our minds to be able to understand how you see the world  will be of great help.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Have you ever lived with one?

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