The Best Post-workout Foods

After playing sports, it is important to take care of our diet to optimize the work performed. So, there are foods that can be ideal for recovering lost energy. 
The best post-workout foods

To determine the best post-workout foods, we must meet our needs. This means that the same food will not be recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight, and for someone who wants to increase their muscle mass.

Therefore, the foods to consume after playing sports that we are going to mention will be specific, in some cases, for those who have some goals or others. Let’s see what are the most recommended foods for after exercise.

Protein-rich post-workout foods

The best post-workout foods: eggs

One of the best post-workout foods will be one that is high in protein. Proteins are very important to increase muscle mass and reduce fat. This component can be found in foods like eggs or chicken. Therefore, a meal containing these ingredients will be very beneficial after exercise.

However, in cases where you want to increase muscle mass more effectively, protein shakes can help. However, we always have to look for brands that offer us a product of the highest possible quality.

Despite this, whenever we can get the proteins our bodies need through food, it is better that we use and prioritize this option. We should try to avoid processed products as much as possible.

Carbohydrate-rich post-workout foods

Other types of foods to consume after playing sports are those that are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates also help a lot to increase muscle mass. Now, what foods can provide us with this in a healthy way? Here are some options:

  • Quinoa: Provides a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as being rich in protein. For all these reasons, it is essential for a good recovery after exercise.
  • Bananas: The carbohydrates that this fruit contains are “quick absorbing”. This means they help restore glycogen levels, and repair muscles quickly.
  • Humus: It is a very rich and healthy option, while providing a lot of energy. We can accompany it with carrot sticks or pita bread, for example.
  • Peanut Butter: It will always be better if we can make it ourselves and, if we buy it, we must be sure of the quality of its ingredients. Two medium scoops a day is the recommended amount.
  • Oats : Consuming oats without sugar and as pure as possible is very beneficial for recovery after exercise. We can accompany it with a yogurt (no sugar) or a little milk (oats, almonds, coconut…).

Many people believe that carbohydrates are bad or that they help to gain weight. This happens if we exceed their consumption. However, if we defend responsible consumption and respect the recommended values, we will be able to maintain the desired weight or even lose weight, if that is what we are looking for.

Fruits and nuts

oat with milk

The last foods to consume after playing sports are fruits and nuts. There is a wide variety of these two elements, so we can choose the ones we like the most.

Fruits are very good as they will help us recover our vitamins and, in addition, will provide us with even more water than we could drink. Remember that hydration before, during and after sport is essential.

On the other hand, dried fruits will help us recover the energy spent during physical exercise. It is best to combine the dried fruits, for example, mix almonds and walnuts. A modest handful of nuts is the recommended daily amount.

As we can see, there is a wide variety of foods that we can consume after playing sports. It is ideal that we do this, because if we do not eat anything, this will cause the next meal we have to ingest more than we should.


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