Natural And Effective Remedies Against Hearing Loss

The application of some natural remedies can help prevent and treat hearing loss in a simple and safe way.
Natural and Effective Remedies for Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a disorder that, according to the Mayo Clinic, tends to develop progressively, almost always in old age, although it can appear earlier.

It is a difficult problem to deal with, mainly because it reduces the quality of life and affects the state of mind. In this article, we’ve shared some natural remedies that can help you prevent and fight the symptoms of hearing loss.

Causes of Hearing Loss

The causes of hearing loss can be very varied, some of them quite serious. Therefore, it is  always a good idea to seek a specialist doctor before starting any treatment.

Among the causes of hearing loss are:

  • Virus Infections
  • acoustic trauma
  • Some pharmacological treatments
  • tumors

From the perspective of holistic and natural medicine, which takes into account the connection of different organs within the body, it is believed that there is an internal connection between the ear and the kidneys.

Although this is not scientifically proven, you can try these recipes to improve your kidney function and thus avoid related problems.

However, in the treatment of hearing loss, what you should do is see our doctor or otolaryngologist. Only he will know which is the best option. Also, you need to take into account hereditary factors.

Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss

Juices and broths for kidney care

Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss

Even without having a kidney disease, it is recommended that you consume natural and homemade juices and broths prepared with the following ingredients on a daily basis :

  • Vegetables such as celery, onion and parsley.
  • Plants with medicinal properties, such as dandelion and nettle. Dandelion, according to a study by the University of Aarhus, Denmark, is anti-inflammatory. Nettle, in turn, according to research carried out by the Technical University of Łódź, Poland, is antibacterial.
  • Fruits such as pear, grape and blueberry
  • Dried fruits  and seeds.

In addition, the consumption of these juices and broths will help you to alkalinize the body, favoring kidney function. That way you can (supposedly) avoid hearing loss.

mandibular relaxation exercises

If you suffer from jaw tension during the day and bruxism at night, you should perform jaw-relaxing exercises several times a day. With this, you can reduce the strain that may be harming your ear. These exercises are as follows:

  • Open and close
  • back and forth
  • side by side
  • in circles for both sides
  • Carry out the infinity shape

Ear plugs?

The causes of hearing loss can be very varied, some of them quite serious.  Therefore, it is always a good idea to seek a specialist doctor before starting any treatment.

Ear candles are a remedy of the Hopi Indians . It has been believed for years that this natural remedy can help keep your ears clean and healthy. These candles are lit from the end and, using an effect similar to the chimney, extract the wax in a non-aggressive way.

However, according to a study carried out by the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, this technique, in addition to being ineffective, is very dangerous. Therefore, we do not recommend it.

In addition, they can cause aggravation in cases of:

  • Eardrum perforation
  • Allergies or skin problems in the outer ear
  • infectious otitis

Sesame oil massage

Sesame oil is excellent for massaging and warming areas of the body. In addition, it delivers a large amount of ingredients through the skin’s pores.

This is due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are so beneficial, as shown by research carried out by the University of Central Florida.

You can heat some oil and use it to massage your ear and the front of your temple and jaw. Do this  before bed for a while to see the possible benefits.

Bach flowers

Within natural medicine, there are Bach Flowers, which are essences that help to gradually overcome physical and emotional disorders, although there is little scientific evidence to prove their effects

Within natural medicine, there are Bach Flowers, which are essences that help to gradually overcome physical and emotional disorders, although there is little scientific evidence to prove their effects.

For hearing loss caused by inflammation, you can use the following flowers:

  • Wild apple ( Crab apple ): is an antioxidant, as shown by a study by Northwest A&F University , in China.
  • Clematis ( Clematis ): research conducted by the Central South University in China suggests that clematis may be beneficial against arthritis.
  • Olive ( Olive ): according to a study carried out by the Institute of Cardiology in Brazil, olive has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Water source  ( Rock water ): it is believed that this essence helps to fight the rigidity of the body. For example, if there is a lot of tension in the cervicals, jaw, etc. In these cases, there may also be a hearing problem. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove its supposed properties.

Hearing loss can be caused by different factors and can develop progressively. Therefore, it  is essential to carry out periodic medical examinations, especially in the presence of important risk factors. The remedies that we indicate here are just a complement to help with the treatment.

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