Cold Sores Meet Home Remedies For Quick Relief

By applying a layer of petroleum jelly to the wound, we can keep it safe from bacteria and speed up the healing process.
Cold sores know home remedies for quick relief

Cold sores are nothing more than an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. In summary, this infection is characterized by the appearance of small blisters on the lips. But first of all, don’t worry! Well, there are some herpes home remedies that can help you.

Transmission usually occurs when we come into contact with another person’s skin lesions. Once contracted, the virus can lie dormant in the body and later cause sores in the mouth.

In addition to being aesthetically unpleasant, it  is very uncomfortable and can cause a lot of pain.  Therefore, it is common to want to get rid as soon as possible.

Although there is still no cure for the virus, some habits can help with relief. If such habits are followed, they can prevent sores, thus reducing the frequency of their appearance.

Also, when they do appear, we can turn to various herpes home remedies. These are natural remedies that can lessen pain and discomfort, and make them go away more quickly.

Sunscreen on the cold sore wound

The use of lip balm can be considered a home remedy for herpes

Exposure to ultraviolet rays is one of the factors that can contribute to the emergence of herpes. Therefore, to prevent it, always use sunscreen on your face and apply a lip balm with at least SPF 15.

Caution should be intensified on days of direct sun exposure, at the beach or in the pool, but protecting your lips should be a daily habit if you suffer from this virus.


When the bubbles form, throw away the old toothbrush and buy a new one. After all, she is a perfect conduit for the virus. 

This could ultimately cause a new episode of herpes in another part of the body. And it is worth remembering that its appearance is not restricted to the lips.

do not move the wound

As tempting as it may be, keep your hands and nails away from the wound and never try to remove the crust that usually forms. Doing so will only make it harder for the injury to heal, and you will have to live with it longer.

She is highly contagious; do not touch the wound and then scratch your eyes or other part of your body as this can cause new blisters to appear.


Garlic is considered a home remedy for herpes

Garlic has antiviral and antibiotic properties, and therefore it can act as a natural and effective ally, being one of the home remedies for herpes.

To use it, just cut a tooth in half and apply it directly to the small bubbles. You can also knead it into a paste, which must then be placed over the wounds.

aloe vera

We know that aloe vera gel is ideal for soothing skin irritations, and it’s no different for herpes. In addition to providing quick pain relief, it is able to fight the bacteria that are irritating the wound, making it go away faster. To use it, simply apply the gel directly to the lesion on the lips, using your fingers or a cotton swab.

Do you know the countless uses that aloe vera has?

Milk is also one of the home remedies for herpes.

Milk is able to relieve pain and speed up the herpes healing process. This is because it contains proteins that act as antibodies, fighting and preventing viruses like this. Milk also offers us lysine, a substance that inhibits the work of an amino acid called arginine, one of those responsible for causing eruptions.

In order to use it in the treatment, soak a cotton ball in whole milk and then apply it directly to the wound for a few minutes.

Properties of honey to cure cold sores

Honey has healing properties so it is a home remedy for herpes.

The healing and antibiotic properties of honey are widely known, and studies show that it may be a better home remedy for herpes, and better than some traditional ointments used for treatment.

So, just apply a little honey directly over the rash, using a cotton swab or cotton swab. Leave on for a few minutes, then clean the wound area with water.

Corn starch  neutralizes the pH of the wound

The fine, silky texture of cornstarch helps soothe pain and irritation associated with the virus. Also, it helps in the healing process as it is able to neutralize the pH of the wound.

After all, the virus thrives best in an acidic environment, and cornstarch helps make it more alkaline.

To enjoy the benefits, mix a tablespoon of starch with a little water, until you get a pasty consistency. Apply a little to the herpes before bed and gently remove with water in the morning.

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