Home Treatment For Varicose Veins

If, because of your work, you sit for many hours, don’t cross your legs and try to get up and take short walks every half hour to improve circulation.
Home treatment for varicose veins

Varicose veins (varicose veins), in addition to being unsightly, can cause a lot of pain. For this reason, there are currently several home treatments for varicose veins, delaying their development or alleviating any discomfort.

Keeping an eye on your family tree!

Varicose veins are an inherited vascular problem, and their origin is still unknown.

Some experts believe there is a deficiency in the gene that regulates vein development.

This can cause defects in the structure of valves and veins, or in some people, reduce the number of valves in the veins, causing an overload in their functions.

If you have a family history of varicose veins, it’s best to be safe. Here are some tips for varicose veins and their prevention:

Work out!

Although exercise cannot prevent varicose veins, doctors argue that physical activity can reduce the chances of having the problem, improving circulation, which prevents blood from accumulating.

To exercise the legs, any type of exercise is valid, such as riding a bike, aerobic exercise, walking or jogging, using a stair machine at the gym or even going up and down the stairs from work at lunchtime, these can be good exercises for the legs.

Weight loss

Balanced diet helps prevent varicose veins
Overweight people generally cannot efficiently pump blood from the extremities to the heart, this is a factor that causes varicose veins to develop.

Being overweight in most cases is synonymous with sedentary lifestyle, which means that your leg muscles work less than adequate.

As a result, overweight people often cannot efficiently pump blood from the extremities to the heart.

However, the blood vessels of a person with these conditions have more blood than a thin person.

Balanced feeding for varicose veins

In addition to helping to maintain proper weight, a balanced diet will provide the nutrients that can actually help prevent varicose veins.

For example, protein and vitamin C have collagen components, part of the tissue in veins and valves. If collagen is in good shape, tissues tend to be more resistant.

A balanced diet that includes food varieties such as fruits and vegetables, grains and lean protein sources is the best way to get valuable amounts of nutrients. However, they cannot cure varicose veins.

take a rest after standing

When we stand upright, the blood in the leg veins not only takes a long trip against the law of gravity, it also makes that trip without the help of the pumping that the expanding and contracting leg muscles can provide.

As a result, blood accumulates in the legs, which leads to the development of varicose veins.

If possible, take regular breaks to walk or preferably sit with your feet up. 

Don’t forget, when standing somewhere, shift your weight from one leg to the other and/or stand up on your tiptoes, this will help your leg muscles in the task of pushing blood to the heart.

lift your legs

Putting your feet up is fine, but raising your feet above heart level is even better. It’s a way of using gravity to facilitate the circulation of blood from your feet and ankles to your heart.

Doctors recommend elevating the feet to relieve leg pain and swelling.

So lie down on a sofa and rest your feet on the arm (of the sofa) or place three or four pillows under them. You can also lie down on the floor and rest your feet on the seat of a chair).

Whenever possible, elevate your legs for ten minutes every hour.

Don’t sit too long to avoid varicose veins

Sitting for a long time can contribute to the appearance of varicose veins
Don’t cross your legs!
Sitting cross-legged can slow circulation from the legs to the heart.

Some experts say that sitting for prolonged periods can contribute to the development of varicose veins.

Bent knees and seats can complicate and delay the return of blood to the heart. Therefore, it is very important that when traveling by plane or car for many hours or a day at the office (or even at home), we get up and stretch our legs from time to time.

When we need to rest, it is ideal that we stand on tiptoe and flex the heel up and down, repeating the movement ten times.

The same can happen if we sit in a chair where the seat is too deep for leg-lengths: the front end of the seat is at the back of the knees and constricts blood vessels, restricting flow.

We should not cross our legs, as contracting the muscles in the feet can help carry blood to the heart and out of the veins. While sitting, it is ideal that we do exercises to increase blood flow.

Wear comfortable clothes for varicose veins

Stay away from pants or other garments that are tight around the waist or groin, as they can act as ratchets that restrict blood flow to important points of circulation.

Another tip is to wear comfortable shoes, since shoes with lower heels require less effort from the calf muscles, unlike shoes with higher heels.

Sleep in Lycra pants for varicose veins


for varicose veins
Sleep with your legs elevated!
For those who have chronic leg inflammation, placing pillows under their legs or feet while sleeping can be of great help.

Pants made of this type of elastic material put pressure on the leg and can be of great help. Make sure it’s snug at the waist and groin so it doesn’t get in the way of circulation.

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