Home Care For Oily Skin – Part 2

Home Care for Oily Skin - Part 2

Yesterday we started talking here about the care that must be taken with oily skin. To treat it you need to keep it beautiful, healthy and acne free.

In our first post on the subject we talked about the basic cleansing ritual for oily skin and gave recipes for astringent lotions and homemade scrubs.

Today we’ll continue to talk about it with more tips and simple natural recipes that can reduce excess skin oils and save you a lot of money with beauty creams and formulas.

The oil on your skin is enough

There are many recommendations for keeping your skin hydrated, but they do not apply to those with oily skin. The oil your skin produces is enough and often needs to be “controlled” because the production is excessive.

So, no more applying moisturizers on your face! Just use sunscreen and opt for the gel or specific versions for oily skin.

Also, beware of oils from other parts of the body, which can contribute to making your skin oilier.

Try to keep your hair away from your face, especially on hot days. Avoid bangs or other cuts and hairstyles that leave strands of hair in contact with your skin.

Also avoid bringing your hands to your face. In addition to increasing the oiliness of the skin, the hands carry impurities that contribute to aggravate inflammation. Thus, acne conditions worsen.

makeup x oily skin

Can you apply makeup on oily skin? The ideal is to use makeup as little as possible, especially in cases where there is inflammation caused by acne.

The tip to reduce the damage that makeup can cause by increasing the oiliness of the skin is to choose water-based cosmetics, which are lighter and less dampening the skin.

Another important tip is to avoid using bases.

For makeup to last longer: to prevent makeup from becoming uneven in the oiliest areas of your face throughout the day, before applying it, clean these areas (usually forehead, chin and nose) with cucumber juice. Carefully dry and then apply makeup.

Homemade masks

As well as astringent and exfoliating lotions, homemade masks can help a lot and reduce skin oiliness if applied regularly and the recipes are quite simple. We separate two for you!

clay mask

First, mix a tablespoon of green clay (which can be purchased at health food stores) with a teaspoon of honey. Then apply on the face – avoiding the eye region – and let it act for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse well with warm water. You can apply this mask up to three times a week.

Both honey and clay have calming and healing properties. In addition, green clay is the most suitable for combating skin oiliness and acne.

sleeve mask

The mango mask has a drying and toning effect and helps to clean pores. It is widely used in Indonesia and its recipe is very simple.

First, mash the mango until a soft pulp forms, then apply to the skin. Let it dry and when it is dry, remove it with water. Finally, apply weekly.

Image courtesy of Foundry Park Inn

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