How To Prevent Respiratory Allergies? 6 Tips

A general cleansing and the consumption of some natural remedies can help us to prevent respiratory allergies and alleviate symptoms related to them. 
How to prevent respiratory allergies?  6 tips

Respiratory allergies, very common in times of change of season such as autumn and spring, cause a lot of discomfort to those who suffer from them. Among its symptoms, congestion, mucosal irritation, runny nose and sneezing stand out.

Find out in this article how we can prevent respiratory allergies with these 6 tips and natural remedies. In this way, we will be able to avoid antihistamine drugs, which cause side effects in the body.

Preventing respiratory allergies is possible

1. Eliminate toxins

From the perspective of natural medicine, allergies are related to an excess of toxins in our body. To start preventing spring allergies, we  recommend performing  detoxifying cures  at least twice a year. The best times are just before spring and fall begin.

Below we highlight some foods with cleansing properties that we can eat in the usual way:

  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Dandelion
  • Ginger

2. Dairy and mucus

While we cannot refer to the general population, it is true that a large number of people can reduce mucus production by eliminating dairy from their diet. For this reason, if we suffer from frequent respiratory allergies, with mucus as one of the main symptoms, we recommend avoiding this type of food.

We can replace milk with vegetable drinks such as oats, rice, almonds,  etc. Today there are also many vegan products (without animal ingredients) similar to yogurt and cheese.

3. Medicinal infusions

Some infusions of medicinal plants can help us to prevent this pathology in a simple and natural way:

  • Elderflower ( Sambucus nigra ): used to treat diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract, such as allergies. In some countries, drinks made with this plant are also consumed.
  • Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis ): has expectorant properties that relieve allergy congestion.
  • Ephedra ( Ephedra sinica ): Ephedra, a plant that is widely used in Chinese medicine, fights allergies and facilitates the dilation of the bronchi.

As a preventive measure, we can consume 1 or 2 infusions daily,  especially in times when we tend to have more allergic outbreaks. We can choose one of these medicinal plants or even combine them. We recommend sweetening them with stevia or bee honey.

4. Licorice tablets

Licorice, despite being also a medicinal remedy, deserves special mention. In addition to its anti-inflammatory power similar to that of steroids, it  stands out for its ability to inhibit histamine. In this sense, it is one of the best ways to prevent respiratory allergies in a natural way.

Licorice root ( Glycyrrhiza glabra)  can be consumed in the form of lozenges, sweets, infusions, extract or natural. However, we must take into account that it  can raise blood pressure and that it can interfere with oral contraceptives. 

Licorice Infusions Help Prevent Respiratory Allergies

5. Homeopathic remedy: Pollens 30 CH

Homeopathy is an excellent way to prevent disease, as it can be consumed without any risk of side effects or contraindications. Homeopathic remedies can be consumed at any age, even pregnant women and babies.

In this case, the remedy we recommend is Pollens 30 Ch, with about 10 granules, once a week. This is the most suitable dose to prevent. These granules are made from pollen, but in such small amounts that they  do not affect our body negatively, but instead activate the defenses  in a natural way.

6. Lemonade with turmeric and honey

If we want to prevent respiratory allergies in a pleasant and delicious way, we can opt for medicinal lemonades. In this case, we recommend supplementing our lemon juice with turmeric and sweetening it with bee honey:

  • Lemon: Cleansing and detoxifying. It helps us to eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.
  • Bee honey: Pollen contained in small amounts can reduce, in the long term, allergic reactions present in the environment.
  • Turmeric: This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice promotes the blocking of immunoglobulin E. This  reduces the symptoms of respiratory allergies. 


  • the juice of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder (5 g)
  • Bee honey (to taste)

Method of preparation

  • Mix the ingredients until you get a smooth paste.
  • We can consume the mixture cold or hot, especially outside of meals.

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