Aromatic Plants For A Small Garden

A garden should be pleasing to both the eyes and our nose. There are some aromatic plants ideal for making your garden a cozy place. Check out!
Aromatic plants for a small garden

There is nothing better than going out to your garden and enjoying the scent of the plants around you. Indeed, a garden is not only pleasing to the eye, it must also be for another of the senses: the sense of smell. For that reason, in this article, we present 5 aromatic plants for a lovely garden.

Take note!

5 aromatic plants for your garden

When designing your garden, no matter how small, it is important that you keep a few aspects in mind. It’s not just that the colors are pretty and pleasant. On the contrary, designing a garden will be a more complicated task if you want to get an impressive result.

In fact, you must take into account the type of climate and the type of land. These aspects will be decisive when choosing plants for your garden. A consistent decoration is also essential for the perfect result.

However, we must not forget the fragrance of its flowers. A garden is not only a visual delight, it is also an olfactory point of view. So take note of the five aromatic plants we propose and enjoy an impact in every way when you go out into your garden.

lilac or lilac


The vulgaris Syringa, commonly known as lilac or lilo, not only will give your garden a spectacular color, but also offer their perfume, flooding the place with many sensations.

Also, it is a very easy-to-find scented plant. You can purchase it at any nursery or garden center. Its seeds are sold in some supermarkets. In addition, it blooms in spring, when its characteristic flowers emerge, and exudes its fresh, clean scent.

On the other hand, lilac is very easy to treat. In fact, it thrives in virtually any type of climate and soil. However, it is better to opt for deep, moist soils because their roots prefer moisture.

Finally, we advise you to plant it in spring. However, it takes a long time to take root, so be patient.

The Rose

The queen of all gardens, the rose, is also a fragrant plant with a characteristic fragrance. The rosette family comprises about a hundred species of roses, but they are all aromatic plants that will delight the senses. In addition, it blooms all year round.

If you are going to plant a rose bush, always remember to leave enough space between the plants. This way, you will avoid that when some leaves grow, they remain out of sunlight, and are ventilated. In addition, it is important to prune it well and, above all, to make sure that it does not lack irrigation.


Aromatic plants for a small garden: lavender

Lavender will give your garden another characteristic fragrance, which is fresh and soft. In addition, its bluish flowers provide a vivid and colorful mosaic for your small garden. On the other hand, it blooms from April to July, and it also produces an aromatic oil, which you can use to prepare your own perfumes and cosmetics.

In order for their perfume to spread throughout your garden, we recommend planting them in the sun, protected from the cold. Also, they don’t require much care. In fact, it’s enough to water them well in hot weather, and to protect them from intense cold.

the hyacinth

Hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis, is another popular perfume plant. In addition, there are different colored hyacinths so you can play with the different varieties and give your garden an intense color. It is a perennial and bulbous plant that produces a typical full of brightly colored flowers.

In relation to their care, it is important to ensure that you never leave them without irrigation. In fact, it’s best to place a dish under the pot to ensure the soil is moist.


Finally, we present you a climbing shrub, the honeysuckle. However, don’t worry about space issues, it doesn’t tend to grow much. It is characterized by the sweet aroma of its flowers, which bloom in autumn. Furthermore, they feature a really unique bell shape.

On the other hand, it is an olfactory plant that is very easy to care for. In fact, you only need to protect it from the direct sun, although it always needs a lot of light. Regarding irrigation, it should be done every 3 or 4 days. Finally, you should know that it withstands the cold very well.


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