Expectore With Ginger

The properties of this root are not limited to cooking. Many of its applications are found in the health of the body.
Expectore with ginger

Ginger is an herbaceous plant of Asian origin. In fact, it is a root, has a strong, spicy taste and is widely used in cooking, as a seasoning.

At the first sign of a cold, drink ginger tea

How it strengthens the immune system; helps the body fight the flu virus.

Suitable for bronchitis conditions

This root acts positively on the respiratory system, because it eliminates the mucus  that prevents the air from passing through, very common in cases of bronchitis.

In case of cough, make a syrup

During the coughing period, make a homemade syrup with honey and ginger. Just cut the ginger the size of a walnut, chop and place inside the honey. When you check the honey blend, the syrup will be ready to be consumed.

great for the throat

To this day, singers use the root to relieve their throat by gargling with it. It is also very helpful for sore throat. Just boil half a liter of water, add 2 teaspoons of this grated root. But, be careful, so as not to lose the value of the ginger, do not let the root boil, when placing the plant, put the fire out immediately. Take 10ml 5 times a day.

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Body massage


The benefits of massage combined with the oil of this root are numerous. In addition to the relaxing effects, massage with ginger oil is indicated for rheumatic and muscle pain (arthritis, gout, rheumatism), antispasmodic and respiratory tract expectorant (coughs, bronchitis, asthma), stomach and digestive (indigestion, heavy digestion), fevers, circulatory problems (varices, tired feet and legs).

To prevent vomiting in pregnancy

Doctors have recommended daily doses of this root to prevent vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. The best thing is that this root does not have the slightest contraindication for pregnancy.
Ginger acts on the central nervous system, inhibiting serotonin receptors and exerting antiemetic effects (which inhibit vomiting).

For hair and skin

Ginger is also recommended for hair and skin as a moisturizer. There is already a spray on the market with the name Awapuhi, made from Hawaiian ginger. But you can also use it in capsule form, taking it once a day. Due to its antioxidant action, this root helps prevent wrinkles.


How to buy and store

When buying this root, look for the one that is not wrinkled, prefer the ones that have a smoother bark. Avoid discolored pieces and moldy edges. When it’s old, it loses its strong flavor. Store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, lasts for weeks.

Image 1 offered by -Chefmax.

Image 2 offered by Float in Spa.

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