Love Tests To Validate The Strength Of A Relationship

Winning back your partner every day and worrying about your worries can be one of the tests of love that will help us keep the relationship alive.
Love tests to validate the strength of a relationship

During the infatuation phase, love is crazy. Everything is euphoria, desire, passion… However, when this phase ends and we are at the door of mature love, it is important to consider certain love tests to know if the relationship has, or not, a future.

We all “predict” occasionally the failure or breakup of a relationship that was not ours. This is because, with the right perspective, things are much clearer.

However,  when the relationship is ours, we are quite blind and lost. With the following love tests, we will be able to validate the strength of our relationship.

How is the communication in the couple?

communication in relationship

Communication is one of the pillars of any relationship. However, even today, in couples considered to be monogamous, there is a significant lack of interaction between the two members.

This is one of the most important tests of love. Without communication, there is no trust.  We are talking about sincere communication, not communication based on the following examples:

  • We say “yes” to things that, at the right moment, the answer would be “no”. For example, having a child, getting married, opening up a relationship…
  • We feel desire for other people and even, if the opportunity arose, we would be unfaithful, but we do not communicate these desires to our partner.
  • One of the members of the relationship expects the other to change certain attitudes, although this does not show up: he hopes that he will figure it out on his own (read his mind).

These are just a few examples that show a great lack of communication and that, when the moment of truth comes, can cause many conflicts and problems.

We don’t need to be afraid to communicate with our partner.  However, it is normal for this to be so, because our reference models have always had shortcomings in this regard.

The importance of details

The importance of details

Another proof of love that we can give to our relationship is related to the details. We are not referring to material details, but to another type.

It’s true that there are people who hardly show their love in public. They shy away from kissing, hugging or even caressing their partner.

However, a look that says it all, an unexpected phone call on a break from work to tell your partner how much you think about him, a malicious message, bringing chocolates or the flowers you love so much…

There are many details that show the love we have for the other person. Without these details, the magic is lost, love is not watered and, in the end, it withers.

A relationship doesn’t require a lot of effort, but sometimes we get comfortable and the fact that we don’t have to win our partner makes us forget about the small details.

In fact,  the partner must be won back every day,  because nothing is safe. Because relationships must be taken care of and, between them, there is also the relationship of a couple.

The litmus test between love tests: concern for each other

united couple embraced

This is the last of the love tests we’ll mention, but it’s not about how the work went or how the kids are doing. It’s about asking how your partner feels.

When we really love someone, we care about their emotions. We want that person to be well and, if not, we will give our ears to listen to him and, at least, so that he can let off steam.

However, sometimes we become selfish and are so focused on our stuff that we forget to care about our own partner.

We fall into banal work conversations, daily issues, routines, family… But what about feelings?

Relationships are not solid just because there is love. Love does not overcome everything, it is a feeling that must be taken care of with communication, listening, understanding, concern, sincerity and attention to small details.

It all pays off to build a solid foundation and therefore a healthy relationship.

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