Mistreated Woman Syndrome: Getting Help

The battered woman syndrome happens to many women who have been in a situation of violence for an extended period of time. See what can be done in these cases.
Battered Woman Syndrome: How to Get Help

What happens to a woman who has experienced physical or psychological abuse in the relationship? You may experience battered woman syndrome. Today we’ll tell you how to get help.

How to identify the battered woman syndrome?

The battered woman syndrome has some clear features that it is important to know how to identify. The reason? Professional help should be sought as soon as possible so that this symptom does not worsen  and affect the woman’s quality of life.

  • Bodily symptoms:  insomnia, weight loss, somatization of emotions (eczemas, migraines, cramps…).
  • Psychological symptoms:  depression, low self-esteem, guilt, hopelessness and fear.
battered woman suffering from depression

The battered woman syndrome can present with physical and mental symptoms. The woman may experience insomnia, noticeable weight loss, as well as constant depression.

These are some of the symptoms that all those women who suffer from the battered woman syndrome have. However,  there are some important points that must be considered for individual treatment.  Take a look at some of them and then see the steps to start getting help.

The learned indefensibility

Learned indefensibility is a psychological state that abused women have. It is harmful thinking that prevents them from making decisions in their favor to get out of a situation in which they are being raped or abused.

They consider that nothing they do will influence the result. This is extremely disabling, hopeless and is the reason why many women are not able to get out of an abuse situation. Even the fact of not treating the problem can lead to another relationship of maltreatment.

Post-traumatic stress

When a woman has been exposed to abuse repeatedly over a long period of time, it means she was living under constant stress. Therefore,  right after separation or leaving the situation, stress is still present.

This fight-and-flight response that is so important to our survival in people with battered woman syndrome becomes completely maladaptive. Stress, fear, and anxiety will appear in circumstances that, for no reason at all, are to be feared. 

Some of the ways in which it is possible to identify this post-traumatic stress is by analyzing the behaviors of women victims of abuse:

  • Nightmares and  flashbacks  that cause sweating, fear and an increase in heartbeats.
  • Evasive behaviors from those places or thoughts that recall the situation experienced.
  • Hypervigilance, especially when they are on the street, because they believe someone is chasing them.
  • Difficulties in remembering essential characteristics or moments of the traumatic event.

Women who have gone through periods of violence often have sequelae that are difficult to overcome. They often have post-traumatic stress disorder because they think they will be overwhelmed by their abuser again.

Help for abused women

Although abused women believe they cannot get help, this is not true. In fact, it is possible that the person who abused you is free and only with a protective measure. This can bring a lot of fear and insecurity. However, see what you can do:

economic aid

Women who are victims of abuse can have their employment relationship maintained, when necessary to leave the workplace, for up to six months.

host houses

In some countries there are shelters that allow women and their children (if they have them) to escape violence and prepare to start a new life. In fact, it’s an opportunity to transition and start from scratch.

psychological therapy

It is essential to seek psychological therapy with a professional specialized in these cases. Even more, the  support of the family in this situation will be essential.  If there are children, it is also important that they see a psychologist.

Legalize the children’s situation

Custody issues must be brought up to date, despite the difficult time. Therefore,  the family must be involved and help in whatever way they can. Also, hiding children to avoid shared custody or seeing their partner is a crime.


Finally, it’s an opportunity to get out of a situation that no one should tolerate. We always recommend looking for a psychologist,  and we encourage families not to drift apart, even if it seems the woman doesn’t want to.

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