3 Garlic Home Remedies To Lower Cholesterol

Due to its high content of antioxidants, garlic is one of the best allies for dealing with high cholesterol. We share 3 good remedies to take advantage of their properties.
3 Home Remedies with Garlic to Lower Cholesterol

Ever wonder if it’s possible to lower cholesterol with garlic? You may have already heard about the great medicinal virtues of this food, especially for our cardiovascular health.

In this article, we explain why we can lower cholesterol with garlic as long as we maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Studies demonstrate its effectiveness so that we can reach our goal in a natural way.

Is it possible to lower cholesterol with garlic?

Garlic has been consumed for centuries as a medicinal food. Numerous studies have confirmed its positive effects in the treatment of digestive and circulatory problems, cough, intestinal parasites, pneumonia, among others.

Also, this food helps improve cardiovascular health. It can help reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and platelet aggregation, for example. However, it is essential that its consumption is accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise.

1. Chew a clove of garlic

garlic properties
Garlic is one of the most commonly used natural supplements to fight high cholesterol. Its properties have been confirmed by several surveys.

The first of these remedies is the simplest of the 3 to lower cholesterol with garlic. However, there is an important recommendation: we must consume raw garlic.

Many people prefer to swallow the tooth or parts of it to avoid its taste and odor. However, this study shows that this can reduce its effectiveness compared to chewed or crushed consumption.


  • 1 clove of raw garlic per day (1 g)

How to consume this garlic remedy to lower cholesterol?

  • Every day, you should consume a raw, chewed or crushed garlic clove.
  • If it is difficult to chew it, you can beat or crush it along with the food, but always without cooking it.
  • You can lighten its flavor by chewing aniseed or parsley leaves after eating it.

2. Garlic and lemon juice

This study shows the cardiovascular health benefits of ingesting the combination of garlic and lemon juice. It was performed by people between 30 and 60 years old with moderate hyperlipidemia, over 8 weeks.


  • 8 medium sized raw garlic cloves (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

How to consume this garlic remedy to lower cholesterol?

  • First, take a tablespoon of lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • Consume garlic cloves throughout the day, always raw. You can cut them to use as a seasoning, beat gazpachos, spread them on toast, etc.
  • Study results were evaluated at two months.

3. Black garlic

Benefits of black garlic
One of the ways to lower cholesterol with garlic is to use black garlic. The properties of this variety of garlic are effective in facilitating the elimination of lipids retained in the arteries.

One of the biggest disadvantages of garlic is its smell. For this reason, many people reject their regular consumption and prefer to look for other alternatives.

However, among the processing methods performed to eliminate its odor, black garlic has been very successful and is becoming more and more popular. This variety is obtained by maturing at high temperature and humidity.

This aging process darkens its color and alters its flavor and texture. The tooth remains in the same shape, but becomes soft. Also, it can be a bit like licorice.

It should also be noted that some of its components increase during this maturation process. In this sense, its antioxidant and lipid-regulating power, including cholesterol, would be even more effective.


  • Unpeeled garlic heads
  • A container that can maintain a constant temperature between 40 °C and 60 °C for 1, 2 or 3 months (thermal bottle, yogurt maker, rice cooker, crock-pot , etc.).
  • Aluminum paper


  • First, remove only the outer layer of the bulb, not the skin closest to the garlic clove.
  • Afterwards, wrap the heads in aluminum foil.
  • Put the garlic in the container with the mentioned characteristics and leave it for at least 2 months. We’ll know they’re ready when the interior turns black. From the first month onwards, you can already see how they are doing.
  • The process is simple, but it requires patience.

How to consume this garlic remedy to lower cholesterol?

  • Eat a garlic clove half an hour before each of the three main meals.

Now, we already have different options to reduce cholesterol with garlic in a simple and natural way. However, before making any dietary changes, you should consult a doctor, especially if you have digestive problems or are taking medication.

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