How To Distance The Toxic People That Affect Your Life

In order to distance ourselves from toxic people, we need to learn to recognize them, and even if it hurts, knowing that separating them from our lives will be fundamental for us to grow.
How to distance the toxic people that affect your life

They are called “toxic people”,

Psychological profiles of toxic people

To begin with, we must keep in mind that we cannot classify toxic people as someone we argue with, or who opposes us in anything. The toxic person goes far beyond a simple clash of personalities.

Furthermore, we must also always be critical of ourselves. Have we ever stopped to think that maybe we’re also acting like toxic people with our friends and family?

the violent

Toxic people always put us in a bad mood

As hard as it is to assimilate this, there are people who are bad and like to cause pain. There are many degrees of violence, and they develop in very different ways. Even  one aggressive behavior can be seen as normal or excusable. However, the reality is different.

Even if it is a close relative, or the partner himself, it is very important to nip in the bud and not allow this type of behavior. There is no justification for someone shouting at us, insulting us, or attacking us. The normal thing in our lives can never be bad tempers, arguments, anger, intimidation or humiliation.

This kind of behavior is based on selfishness in its pure state. They are the ones who apply the famous law of the funnel,  “the wide part for them, the narrow part for you” . They only call you when they need something.

It is important to detect them early and, above all, to know how to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. It is common to feel a certain sense of guilt when denying them something, but we must understand that this is not a true friend. Just put them to the test, copy their behavior, and give them their own medicine to see reality.

the negative

If we make a metaphor, negative people are like energetic vampires. They absorb our vitality and our spirit. In any situation, they live as if it were a problem or a difficulty, even the good opportunities that arise.

They are usually experts in putting fear. And, whenever you share a project, a trip idea or an illusion, you will find setbacks and dangers everywhere. If we follow this trend, we will end up in total immobility, and we will fill our heads with doubt and indecision.

the debtor

Toxic people often yell at others


Certainly, a person can have a bad economic trend. This is not objectionable, nor does it mean that you are a toxic person. However, when they prevent you from paying back the loan, the problem begins. The toxic person always makes excuses, never confronts, always avoids responsibility. She will never accept that she is not right.

They are easily detected when you see that you are unable to return the money, however other expenses may be allowed. There is a surefire advice to distance yourself from these types of people: if they cheat on you once, it’s their fault; if they cheat on you twice, it’s your fault.

the envious

There is nothing more toxic than having an envious friend. Someone who, instead of rejoicing when good things happen to you, is afraid or envious. The envious one harbors resentment against you, and sooner or later it will turn into betrayal.

The envious person forgets all the effort you put into achieving this triumph, and he never values ​​what he has. He always idealizes the lives of others, and often has an inferiority complex. Envy a social position, a turn of fate, beauty, property, etc…

Practical advice to get away from toxic people

Practical advice to get away from toxic people

Put these tips into practice so that toxic people don’t affect you:

  • Try to stick to your criteria, and don’t take toxic behaviors for granted.
  • Don’t trust anyone who doesn’t know how to keep a secret.
  • Don’t allow contempt or devaluation.
  • Remember that whoever speaks ill of another to you will speak ill of you to the other.
  • A person without a word will never be a good friend.
  • Stay away from slander. These cannot contribute anything good.
  • Face situations head-on, and firmly.
  • Do not trust those who step on others to triumph.

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