Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide In Beauty Treatments

Before using hydrogen peroxide in our beauty treatments, it is important to check that it does not cause any allergic reaction. To do this, try on a small area before applying.

Hydrogen peroxide, or hydrogen peroxide, is  one of the elements that cannot be missing in the first aid kit at home, as it has dozens of applications.

However, it is not just for disinfecting wounds. It can also be very useful in beauty treatments.

In this article we’ll talk more about that. Check out!

The Powers of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is present in most homes as it is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic. So if you want to get the most out of this ingredient, make a note of the following cosmetic applications it has:

1. To reduce skin blemishes

Over time, the skin, especially on the face, may show small spots, either from exposure to the sun or the cold or the lack of exfoliation.

That’s why we observe certain areas darker than others and we don’t know how to make them smaller. The good news is that  hydrogen peroxide can reduce them. However,  we should use it sparingly and in small doses.

What to do?

  • Right after exfoliating your face (you can use a homemade mask or a purchased beauty product) and wash it well, dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply it to the stains, let it act for a few minutes and finally rinse.
  • Do this treatment  once or twice a week and always in the evening.

2. To eliminate blackheads

Acne doesn’t only appear in teenagers, but it can be very uncomfortable at other stages of life (for example, during menstruation in women, when suffering a lot of stress or even by maintaining a high-fat diet).

Blackheads are produced by a clogged pores in the skin  and as hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant, it can eliminate bacteria that accumulate on the skin.

What to do?

  • It’s as simple as applying a little peroxide to the most critical areas after showering and before bedtime.
  • Repeat daily and don’t forget to rinse well in the morning.

3. Whiten teeth

Would you like to have a white, radiant smile like toothpaste advertisements? Are you tired of the yellow teeth caused by smoking or drinking coffee, or even by the passage of time?

Hydrogen peroxide can be of great help in these cases. You can improve the effectiveness of this homemade treatment by eating certain raw foods such as carrots, apples, and celery.

What to do?

  • It’s very simple: soak a cotton ball or a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and  then do the brushing at night, pass on each tooth.
  • However, if you don’t want to waste so much time, you can rinse for 10 seconds with one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts warm water.
  • You can only do this treatment once a week,  otherwise it will damage your tooth enamel.

4. Remove nail stains

When we constantly paint our nails we don’t let them “breathe”  and this can make them brittle and brittle, but also make them develop very unpleasant white or yellow spots.

What to do?

  • To return them to their normal color you can dip your fingers in a container of water and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes.
  • Soon after time, rinse and dry thoroughly. Try not to paint your nails for at least two days.
  • Every time you remove the nail polish, repeat the procedure.

5. Lighten hair

If you don’t want to or can’t spend money on a beauty salon, you  can show off beautiful light highlights in your hair. A perfect idea for this summer.

Most common paints contain hydrogen peroxide, although of a different volume than that used to disinfect wounds.

However, it can serve us to lighten some shades. Open your pharmacy box and get the hydrogen peroxide!

What to do?

  • First put some hydrogen peroxide in a bottle with a spray bottle and fill the container with water (both ingredients should be in equal parts).
  • Wash your head as usual and, with your hair still damp (dry it with a towel),  spray it in small amounts while combing.
  • Do not rinse and repeat two to three times a week
  • In a month or so you will see the result: discreet and more natural than reflections or professional lights.

6. Eliminate bad odor

If you suffer from excessive sweating, especially in the summer or when it’s very hot, hydrogen peroxide can be very helpful.

Due to its antibacterial composition, it will eliminate the microorganisms responsible for the bad smell  in the armpits or feet.

What to do?

  • To use hydrogen peroxide as a deodorant, you can soak a tissue and then rub it under your arms.
  • You can also throw a little on your shoes or socks before you wear them.

7. Lighten body hair

In the same way that hydrogen peroxide gives your hair a lighter shine, it can serve to discolor body hair.

For example, if you don’t like the hair on your arms because it’s too dark, you can mask it with this ingredient.

What to do?

  • Apply a little once a week right after showering. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • To speed up the process, we recommend that you expose yourself to the sun after the application, even though it is through the window.

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