6 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Did you know that not getting enough sleep can cause your metabolism to change and make weight loss difficult? Try to sleep 8 hours straight without interruptions.
6 reasons why you're not losing weight

If you’ve been on the diet for a long time and aren’t seeing results, chances are you’re doing something wrong. So, below, we’ll go over the main reasons why you’re not losing weight.

1. Not eating enough

While it may seem like a lie, one of the reasons you’re not losing weight that may go unnoticed is the fact that you’re not eating enough. Starting to follow a diet to lose weight does not imply excessively restricting your caloric intake. In fact, this is something that should not be done, as it will increase your risk of experiencing anxiety and not controlling your meals.

Therefore, the proper measure is to calculate the amount of calories that are needed during the day, and make sure not to exceed them. Therefore, in order to follow a diet correctly and be able to lose weight effectively, it will be essential to eat properly.

2. Eating in front of the television or computer

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Another very common reason is to eat absentmindedly. Eating in front of the television or computer, while playing video games or watching a series or movie  causes you to not control well the amounts ingested. This is because the distraction prevents the brain from properly managing the feeling of fullness.

In that sense, it’s good to try to focus solely on eating. In addition, having meals with friends or family can reduce the rate of food intake, making the body feel full faster.

3. Not getting enough exercise could be one of the reasons you’re not losing weight

Another common problem is overestimating the caloric expenditure during exercise. It’s possible that a walk around the neighborhood isn’t enough  exercise for the whole week.

Therefore, it is good to consult with a professional to find out which type of exercise will be best according to your needs and according to the goals you want to achieve. That way, you’ll know if it’s necessary to increase the amount of daily exercise in order to lose weight.

4. Forget about dieting on weekends

There are many people who allow themselves to eat whatever they want while on a diet. On the one hand, this is highly recommended. Following a diet, especially if it is a very strict one, can increase the level of anxiety about food cravings. Therefore, it is never enough to give a little whim as a reward for your efforts  throughout the week.

The problem is when these whims cause the diet to become harmful. If you properly follow a healthy and balanced diet during the week,  but use the weekend to eat exclusively unhealthy foods, you  will be harming your diet principles and yourself.

5. If you are not losing weight, your exercise routine may be unvaried

Another reason is to follow an exercise routine that doesn’t change. If you do, you risk your body getting used to the exercises and developing muscle memory for certain movements.

Over time,  the body will adapt to exercise and become more efficient with these activities; causing the caloric expenditure to be lower.

So, if you want to get the most out of your hours of exercise,  try to vary your routine every few weeks. That way, you can “confuse” your muscles so that they don’t adapt to just one type of activity.

6. Not getting enough sleep

Good sleep helps you lose weight

Finally, adequate rest will be essential in order to lose weight. If you haven’t found your problem in any of the above,  maybe the reason you’re not losing weight is because you’re not sleeping properly. Adults should sleep approximately 8 hours a day. Otherwise, it can alter the metabolism, making it much more difficult to burn calories during the day.

In fact, research published in the review  Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care  indicates that  there is a relationship between the duration and poor quality of sleep with disorders such as obesity.

In short, sleep loss  causes metabolic and endocrine changes linked to obesity; such as reduced glucose tolerance, reduced insulin sensitivity and increased hunger and appetite.

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