In The Small Details You Know The Greatness Of People

Sometimes the little details can mean much more than those grand actions that don’t come from the heart. It’s these little gestures that lift our mood.
In small details you know the greatness of people

Small everyday details are what build big emotional universes.

Those who consolidate values, the same ones who, gesture by gesture, win our hearts to form the best of friendships or affective relationships.

To know a person’s greatness it is not enough to pay attention to their appearance. Sometimes, even their words do not reveal to us what is behind their speeches or their attitudes.

The true essence is expressed in the imperceptible things that are built day by day. We are sure that you will also be a great observer of these types of qualities.

In fact, we could say that in order to build lasting and satisfying bonds, it is necessary to attend to these small details. Because that’s where a person’s authentic roots go deep.

Next, we propose a reflection on this theme, which encompasses a large part of our personal relationships.

The small details, the language of the heart

From childhood we learn social norms. They tell us about respect, politeness, and about behaviors with which we build (or at least try to build) a respectful way of getting along with each other.

But, beyond the norms of politeness, beyond the frontier of “please”, “thank you” or “good morning”, the intimate conscience is integrated where the authentic personality is formed.

Someone can be polite and courteous; however, behind this facade, there would be the possibility that a hidden interest was hidden.

On the other hand, there are also those who do not give any value to small details. Something like that doesn’t reveal that a person is good or bad. It simply gives value to other types of behavior.

Let’s analyze them.

The big acts and the little details

Loves are etched in the soul

There are those who think that love is shown in great acts, in the purest “all or nothing” style.

But the most satisfying and happiest relationships are those in which, day after day, the bond is renewed.

  • There is no need for gifts, nor for showing us heroic deeds. What is really needed is reciprocity in which looks are sincere. In which affection is perceived and demonstrated.
  • A “how was your day?” or “you make me very happy” are details that we always appreciate, that always enrich more than the most expensive gift.

Small gestures hide our values


Sometimes we surround ourselves with people who look at us but don’t see us. From friends or family who listen to us but don’t listen.

  • Until, suddenly, there is someone who reads us like an open book and who, through small details, shows us his sincere interest.
  • It is these everyday gestures that show us a person’s natural goodness. Because somehow we all have an inner compass that tells us when someone is sincere and when they’re lying.
  • Whoever values ​​the small details is because he makes an effort, because he has the intention and feeling.

It’s those little things that we’re all thankful for every day.

Happiness is in the small details


Happiness is, above all, the absence of fear. It is a state of tranquility and mental and emotional balance, when we are more receptive to everything around us.

  • A smile, a sincere look, a caress, a laugh, an unexpected surprise… These are the dimensions that elevate our mood, until we enjoy the happiness capable of healing, capable of making us forget any pain or disappointment.
  • If we are obsessed with achieving great results, with setting impossible goals on our horizon, chances are, at some point, frustration or failure will appear.
  • To be okay, you don’t have to climb the highest peak. Sometimes it’s enough for us to stay in a quiet valley from which we can admire the sky.
  • Thus we can discover that the true maps of happiness are traced through small details, through discreet but golden paths, through which one reaches the fullest personal fulfillment.
  • Let’s be like that. Let us be artisans of this respectful coexistence, capable of giving value to small acts. Let us act with humility and respect, valuing ourselves as well as others.

Let us understand that it is not by saying “I love you” many times that love will be more sincere. Sometimes, it ‘s better to know how to demonstrate this affection with authenticity than to stay with mere words.

Image: courtesy of Christian Schloe

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