Eliminate Grease From Your Kitchen With These Simple Tricks

There are several natural ingredients that we can use to create our own cleaning products, without chemical ingredients.
Eliminate the fat stuck in your kitchen with these simple tricks

Cooking at home is one of the healthiest and most fun tasks we can do. Thus, you can be more sure of the nutritional quality of food and its fat content.

For many, it’s enjoyable and a great way to spend time testing all your skills.

However, when it comes time to clean and tidy up, difficulties begin that are not as pleasant as preparing meals.

Fats from food and other substances released during cooking become embedded in appliances, doors and many other areas of the kitchen.

Some think it’s a good option to use chemicals to facilitate elimination. However, its excessive use has been proven to have a negative impact on the environment and health.

However, as it is still necessary to keep everything flawless and grease-free, today we will share several natural tricks that will make this kind of cleaning task easier. Want to know more?

Lemon juice helps to remove stuck fat

Lemon juice helps remove sticky fat

Many products marketed to clean dishes or other kitchen elements in general have some component derived from lemon.

Thanks to its acids and astringent action,  lemon is one of the most powerful fat removers nature offers.


The juice of one or two lemons (40 ml).
One liter of hot water (1000 ml).

How to use it?

  • Dilute the juice of one or two lemons in a quart of hot water.
  • Dip a sponge into this mixture and rub over the surface you want to clean.
  • Repeat this action as many times as necessary and finish by rinsing.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda has an abrasive effect that can be used to remove grease stuck to furniture, appliances and walls.

The best part is that it has an antibacterial effect that can be very useful to fight these microorganisms that proliferate on surfaces.

How to use it?

  • Spread baking soda on the surface you want to clean (as much as you think is necessary) and then scrub with a sponge to remove the grease.
  • It is very likely that you will need to dampen the sponge to make the task easier. For this you can use some water or lemon juice.

Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar to eliminate stuck fat

One of the great allies of cleaning different areas of the house is apple cider vinegar.

This ingredient has antiseptic properties that can be useful to eliminate bacteria that proliferate on surfaces.

It facilitates the removal of stains caused by food and, to top it off, the acids in vinegar work against the fat, helping to remove it with ease.


1 cup apple cider vinegar (250 ml).
A glass of water (250 ml).

How to use it?

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar in equal parts with water and bring to a boil.
  • When you’re done, let it sit and dampen the sponge or cloth you’re going to clean with.
  • Repeat the application as many times as necessary and then rinse with cold water.
  • The remaining mixture can be stored in a plastic container for use at another time.

white vinegar

When it comes to cleaning, this product has very similar qualities to apple cider vinegar.

It cleans, disinfects, neutralizes bad odors and helps to break up grease stuck to almost any type of kitchen surface.


Half a cup of white vinegar (125 ml).
Half a glass of water (125 ml).

How to use it?

  • Bring to a boil a solution with equal parts water and white vinegar.
  • Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and use it to clean doors, windows, or appliance surfaces.
  • If the fat is too sticky, combine the mixture with two tablespoons of baking soda.

Coffee grounds

The coffee grounds or coffee grounds are one of the most efficient and ecological solutions to remove the grease that is adhering to dishes and surfaces.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, yet it is an element that has many health benefits when taken in moderation.

How to use?

  • Sprinkle coffee residues on dishes, pans, or surfaces you want to clean, then scrub with a sponge.
  • As a tip, we suggest using cleaning gloves so that the product does not get into your nails.

In all of these cases, you must consider that these ingredients will not work as effectively as products made with chemicals.

However, if you use them according to the guidelines provided, you will find that they are an excellent alternative to replacing expensive items that can be harmful to the environment. Try them out!

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