Cardiovascular Disease Is Preventable

Although it takes some getting used to, it’s important to exercise daily. You don’t have to go to the gym for that, just walk half an hour a day or even dance. So you’ll already be taking care of your cardiovascular health

According to the European Society of Cardiology, 90% of cardiovascular disease is preventable. This is, without a doubt, an interesting fact that we want to talk about today.

The president of this same body made it clear that the best way to avoid most heart-associated diseases is to change lifestyle habits; and not only that: it’s also vital to keep the purpose of taking care of yourself firm each day.

Looking at it this way it may seem simple, but currently cardiovascular accidents are still one of the main causes of death worldwide. So it’s clear that something is going on.
We are sure that in your family or among your friends you know someone who has had a heart attack, or perhaps you yourself have had problems with cholesterol or high blood pressure.

It is important that you become aware of the topic. Sometimes, small things like adding or not adding salt to your salad, or sitting on the couch instead of going for a walk for half an hour, can change your life.

So, below, we explain why.

Cardiovascular diseases in women

The studies carried out on the incidence of cardiovascular accidents and their prevention have also focused their interest on the difference between genders.

The data from this conference is important and worth considering.

Woman representing female cardiovascular diseases

We invite you to meet them:

  • Heart problems are the leading cause of death among women in Europe, even ahead of cancer.
  • Women, if they suffer a heart attack, are 50% more likely to die compared to men, who have 30%.
  • Many wonder why this is so. What is the reason that, nowadays, women are the most affected by heart problems?
  • The Spanish Society of Cardiology indicates that the symptoms of a heart attack are different in men and women. Women usually associate them with “tiredness”.
  • Women pay less attention to their own health. They often focus their concern on others and sometimes prioritize themselves less. This shouldn’t be like that.
  • Cardiovascular mortality in women occurs mainly after 65 years of age. In other words, it is from the development of menopause when women should take care of themselves more.
  • While we are still of childbearing age, estrogens protect us against many diseases and the risk of thrombosis is lower.

How to prevent cardiovascular disease?

Walking to prevent cardiovascular disease
  1. We must be aware of the importance of care

  • Taking care of yourself does not mean eating more fruit during the day or going for a walk only once a week, when it suits us.
  • CARE, in capital letters, is as important as breathing and should be your priority every day, not just when your doctor announces that your cholesterol is high.
  • We must be aware that our bodies, especially when we reach menopause, will change.
  • These days, women are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, so if you’re a woman, listen to your body, listen to it, and don’t let any strange symptoms pass you by.
  • For example: Being constantly tired or suffering from shortness of breath is not normal.
  • Keep in mind that the label “take care of yourself” also includes the important aspect of managing emotions properly.
  • In this way, control situations of stress, anxiety, etc…

Enjoy your hobbies, your friendships…. Also prioritize your leisure time.

  1. Increase citrus consumption

  • According to a study by the University of Oxford (UK), regular consumption of fruits takes care of heart health, especially if they are citrus fruits.
  • Oranges, lemons or kiwis are very effective in fighting cholesterol and preventing fatty plaques from accumulating in the arteries.
  • As a recommendation, remember that it is better to consume them naturally and not in juices.
  1. Don’t forget about periodic reviews

  • Consider that many heart diseases happen asymptomatically.
  • It is from the age of 40 that you have a higher risk of cholesterol starting to show problems, and this is something we need to note.
  • Therefore, carefully monitor your blood pressure and be sure to establish periodic medical reviews to take care of your heart health.
  1. go for a walk for half an hour

Cardiologists indicate that the healthiest way to avoid, as far as possible, the development of cardiovascular disease is to practice 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily.

So, be sure to go out every day to walk, ride a bike, swim or even dance, for example.

  1. Foods the heart loves

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • sardines
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Flax seeds
  • Oat
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • White tea
  • Broccoli
  • A glass of wine every day
  • Turmeric
  • Semisweet chocolate

Finally, it is clear that there is an inevitable percentage of chance of suffering cardiovascular accidents, but we must never forget that if we maintain good lifestyle habits, avoid sedentary lifestyles and manage stress properly, we will  prevent many problems.

The effort is worth it, for you, for your health!

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