10 Tips For Keeping A House Clean At All Times

Our homes must be kept clean and tidy, but achieving this is sometimes difficult because of lack of time. That’s why we offer 10 pieces of advice that will help keep the house clean.
10 tips to keep a house clean at all times

We want to share with you 10 tips for keeping your home clean that will help you keep it sparkling with a little effort. And is that the daily routine, sometimes, does not allow you to invest enough time in household chores.

If you feel that laziness, tiredness, fatigue or lack of willpower at the end of the day can beat you, don’t worry. Apply the following tips.

10 tips to keep the house clean

Is it difficult for you to keep the house clean due to lack of time or laziness? Do you worry that someone will come one day and see the messy rooms?

Having a clean, shiny house will help you have that comfortable space you need. Write down these little tricks because, no doubt, the “me” of the future will thank you once the day and week are over.

1. Establish a daily routine

Make a list of the activities that are most important to you ; like washing clothes, sweeping, cleaning the bathroom, changing the sheets… Spread these tasks throughout the week, according to the amount of time you can dedicate each day.

Schedule to organize cleaning

A routine similar to this one will help make organizing your home easier:

  • Monday: cleaning the windows.
  • Tuesday: Dust and sweep.
  • Wednesday: washing clothes.
  • Thursday: organize the wardrobe.
  • Friday: cleaning the kitchen.
  • Saturday: changing bed sets.
  • Sunday: cleaning the toilets.

In fact, these days, applications like the one developed by Carlos Valls Císcar in 2018 are being created to keep programming up to date on electronic devices. This way you will know in advance how much time you will have to dedicate each day and will be able to make a better distribution.

2. Don’t have more than necessary

The more it accumulates, the more there is to clean. There are objects that are essential, but before buying an adornment, think that, in the long run, it can be a burden.

Keeping your home clean is easier if you have free surfaces. Also, ornaments tend to gather dust and increase clutter.

Organization helps keep the house clean
Sometimes, the key to keeping a house clean is not to accumulate unnecessary items.

3. Use hooks and shelves to keep the house clean

These elements are useful for keeping in the same place and handy the objects you regularly use such as keys, umbrellas, wallets… Even the bags, scarves or hats you usually wear.

Place them at strategic points. That way it will be easier not to forget anything before you leave.

4. Make your bed before you leave

Nothing is more relaxing than coming home to find your bed clean and made up after a long day at work. This also makes room cleaning easier.

As soon as you get out of bed, several UK researchers advise ventilating the room to protect against pathogens and bacteria. And, after having breakfast or preparing things to go out, make your bed before you go.

You’ll find that once the day is over, you’ll appreciate this little gesture.

5. Wash dishes after each meal

If you have a dishwasher, rinse utensils and place them in it until it’s time to wash. If not, wash the dishes after each meal, dry and store.

The kitchen will be cleaner and tidier. Also, it is an important aspect to maintain hygiene and prevent bacteria build-up.

6. Keep your clothes organized

It often happens that when you are in a hurry to leave or when you arrive tired from work, we leave our clothes in our closets and drawers anyway. For this, the ideal is that you reserve one of the days of the week to reorganize them.

On the other hand, try to use laundry baskets and keep clean clothes folded or hanging in closets. This way, it will be easier to know what you can wear and what not to wear, and you will prevent your clothes from falling to the floor.

7. Clean the washer frequently

To prevent mold, leave the washer lid open after each wash ; then the moisture will evaporate.

Remember to also check the soap and fabric softener compartments; as they tend to accumulate dirt that could be transferred to clothing, as explained by research endorsed by the University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

8. Keep your pet clean

Animals can soil the floor, walls, sofas, beds…

However, if you keep the animal well cared for, you will avoid stains, insects, bacteria and bad smells. In addition, this little life partner will also thank you.

It’s important never to neglect the funniest things in the house: a regular shower will make them feel great.

9. Keep everything in its proper place to keep the house clean

Establish a place for everything and make sure you put it there whenever you stop using it. With this little habit, it will be easier for you to keep your house clean and tidy.

10. Clean stains immediately

If you wait for time to pass after something has been spilled, it will be more difficult to remove stains when they are dry. Furthermore, depending on the substance that produced them, they are capable of damaging surfaces.

For this reason, as soon as you see the stain, wipe it off with a damp cloth immediately.

Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to keep your home clean

The organization and cleaning of the house, in addition to making it look good, help make life more harmonious and reduce stress; as it makes you feel comfortable.

Is that you? How do you organize your cleaning routine? Dare to leave an opinion to tell us what you think of these simple tips, and if by applying them you could see the changes.

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