6 Great Stretches To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common that exists, and chances are that we all experience it at some (or several) times in our lives. 
6 great stretches to relieve lower back pain

Low back pain usually appears after lifting something heavy or when exerting excessive effort. We can also feel it after sitting for a long time or when we move too much and too often. So in this article we’ll talk about 6 stretches to relieve lower back pain.

The pain can last for hours, days or even weeks, so it is important to look for ways to relieve it so that it does not interfere with the good performance of our normal daily tasks. For this, we can bet on low-impact physical activities, such as walking, yoga classes and stretching.

So, in this article, we’ll talk about six specific types of stretches that can help us reduce lower back pain simply and naturally. If you suffer from this condition, it’s worth checking it out.

Stretch with knee to chest


Lie with your back on the floor, looking up, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keeping one foot still supported, raise the opposite knee of the bent leg to your chest and hold the position for 15 to 20 minutes. You can hug the bent knee to make the position easier.

After that time, relax and return to the starting position. Then do the same with the other leg. In total, between 2 and 4 repetitions should be done with each leg.

Do butterfly stretches

Sit on the floor, bend both knees to the sides and bring the balls of your feet together. Using your hands, spread your feet as if they were a book, pressing your knees toward the floor with your elbows. Meanwhile , lean forward, as if you were going to touch your chest to your feet, to stretch your lower back.

If you want to intensify the exercise, you can extend your arms in front of you. Also, try to hold the position for 30 seconds, breathing slowly and deeply.

Do piriform-type stretches


Lie on a mat with your back on the floor, both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your right knee toward your chest.

Place your left leg over your right knee, bringing both of you to a perpendicular position.  Keep bringing your right knee close to your chest to stretch a lot. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

Over time, as you feel more comfortable, you can increase the length of the stretch until you reach 30 seconds per repetition.

Do sphinx stretches

Lie down on a mat with your stomach down and your body extended. Rest your elbows and forearms on the floor, using them as support to stay in position. Remember to align your elbows directly below your shoulders, neither tighter nor wider.

Raise your head and back, mimicking the position of a sphinx. Push the floor with your palms, feet and hips.

You will likely experience lower back pain as this is one of the most difficult stretches. If this happens, try to maintain the position by breathing slowly and deeply. You will be allowing the blood to reach your lower back to heal the pain.

Try to hold the position for as long as you can. With practice, in the future you will be able to keep it for a period longer than a minute.

Do spine stretches

back stretches

This stretch is one of the most pleasant and relaxing things to do, but it is no less effective. It allows you to stretch the paravertebral muscles and, in addition, strengthens the muscles of the abdomen.

Lie on the floor looking up with your legs straight. Then bend your right leg to the knee and go over the left side of your body, bringing your right knee towards the floor (no need to touch, do as much as you can).

Hold this position for at least 20 seconds, feeling your spine and glutes stretch. Then switch sides and repeat with the other leg. Do three reps for each side in total, always remembering to breathe deeply and slowly.

speak back stretches

Standing and standing, extend your arms on a table or some other surface, preferably something you can hold with your hands. Lean forward, bending your knees a little and stretching your back. Keep your arms straight and your head in line with your shoulders.

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