How To Harden Nails Naturally?

Make your own nail hardener by adding a crushed garlic clove to a clear nail polish. You can also submerge them in a container of apple cider vinegar before going to sleep.
How to harden nails naturally?

Brittle nails, which break at the slightest touch, which do not have the necessary strength to look beautiful; who are injured or who cannot grow beyond the limits of their fingers. All these common problems can be a thing of the past with these natural remedies and tips for hardening nails.

Homemade recipes for stronger nails

If you have brittle nails, you can bet on these natural remedies to harden them. All are very efficient and worth a try.

Raw onion medicine to harden nails

While it’s true that the aroma that the onion  gives off  isn’t pleasant. Even though the process may make you cry, it is an effective remedy for hardening your nails.

Plus, nothing compares to the trauma of always seeing nasty hands. Then:

  • Cut an onion in half;
  • Make a hole in the center and place your nails there for about 15 minutes;
  • then wash your hands

The smell can become impregnated, so it is advisable to do the treatment at night or on the weekend.

Onion treatment to harden nails

Medicine with natural oils to harden nails

For example almond oil , but all essential oils are very good. Put two tablespoons of the oil in a container and mix with two tablespoons of olive oil. With a cotton, go “painting” the nails and allow the oil to be absorbed. Repeat the process up to three times a day.

Garlic medicine to harden nails

In this sense, the smell can also be unpleasant. But sometimes that’s the price of beauty. Put a few chopped garlic cloves in a glass of water. Let it stand and soak your nails in it for 20 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

Rosemary medicine to strengthen nails

For this recipe you will need two tablespoons of rosemary and a cup of water. Boil for five minutes and remove from heat, leaving to cool for a few minutes. Put the infusion in a container and soak your nails for 10 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

Aloe vera medicine to revitalize nails

Aloe vera has multiple properties, some of which are already known. For your nails, you’ll need a scoop of aloe vera gel and three drops of olive oil. Mix well and stir until completely integrated. Wet a cotton ball and pass it over your nails. Allow it to absorb and repeat as many times as necessary.

Aloe vera to harden nails

Cucumber lotion for brittle nails

Beat a cucumber in a blender without removing the skin. Then, put the juice obtained in a container. Then place your fingertips in the mixture for a few minutes. Repeat the process every day for a week.

Horsetail lotion for weak nails

In short, prepare an infusion of horsetail and dip your nails in it when it’s warm.

Wheat germ home remedy

Heat four tablespoons of wheat germ oil in a water bath for a few minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and add a few drops of lemon juice. Insert your fingers into the mixture for ten minutes.

Homemade remedy of olive oil, honey and egg

Three very nutritious elements with fantastic properties. So, mix a spoonful of olive oil, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of egg yolk in a container . Get a homogeneous paste. Apply to each nail making a gentle massage. Leave on for half an hour and then clean with a little water.

“Express” Nail Remedies

In summary, opt for any of these instant remedies:

  • Introduce your nails in lemon juice twice a day;
  • Rub your nails on a clove of garlic;
  • Rub a cotton wool wet with white iodine, letting it dry well;
  • Dip your nails in a container of apple cider vinegar  every day, preferably before bed.
Apple Vinegar to harden nails

Tips for beautiful and strong nails

In addition to choosing any of the above-mentioned home remedies, it’s good to know the following advice if you want stronger nails:

  • Use a nail polish remover that doesn’t contain ingredients that damage your nails’ health. While acetone is very effective at removing nail polish, there are healthier options.
  • Also, consume dairy and foods that contain calcium, proteins and vitamins A and E.  As well as drink 8 glasses of water a day. Be aware that brittle nails can mean a high degree of stress or poor diet.
brittle nails

  • Don’t get your hands wet for a long time. To wash clothes or dishes, wear gloves; do not spend too much time in the shower and with hot water. Use hand protection when cleaning the garden or house.
  • File your nails  evenly, squarely and always in the same direction. If possible, use a non-metal sandpaper. Paint with hardener (you can make one yourself, adding a crushed garlic clove to a clear glaze).
  • Remove the nail polish completely, using in addition to the nail polish remover, soap and warm water. Dry with a cotton towel and massage with olive oil.
  • Do not open cans or scratch with your nails, use appropriate elements for this.
  • Do not bite your nails, as they will not grow, they will peel when they come in contact with saliva constantly.
eat nails

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