5 Tips To Help Constipation

In addition to hydrating us, a glass of hot or lukewarm water on an empty stomach can help us to resolve this condition.

Constipation is a symptom of decreased frequency of bowel movements, usually due to the fact that we consume less water than normal.

In some cases, certain medications can also trigger the problem. In this article, we’ll explain how to quickly relieve constipation using some natural alternatives and ingredients available almost anywhere in the world.

Steps against constipation

1. Drink water

Drink two to four glasses of warm water when you suffer from constipation. If you have had colds for several days, drink plain water every morning when you get up.

It is generally advisable to drink at least 10 glasses of warm water every day. Water is one of the best liquids for cleaning waste and toxins from our bodies.

Other beverages, such as juices and sodas, do not have an effect comparable to water, no matter how natural or healthy they appear, as they tend to contain too much sugar, which can actually make constipation worse.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits, vegetables and other high fiber foods to increase your daily fiber intake. Consume at least 24 to 38 grams of fiber per day.

Constipation is a result of excessive consumption of fats, refined sugar and dairy products.

Consider taking a fiber supplement, even if you believe you can consume all the fiber your body needs in your daily meals.

Dietary fiber cannot be ingested by the enzymes in the human body, so it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. So the fiber stays in the colon, where it absorbs water and softens the stool.

Some foods rich in fiber are: raspberries, pears and apples, wholegrain noodles (cooked), barley (cooked) and bran, chickpeas (cooked), beans, lentils, artichokes, peas (cooked) and broccoli.

3. Coffee can help

Many people consider coffee a quick fix for constipation. That’s because the caffeine in the drink can stimulate the muscles in the digestive system, causing a bowel movement.

On the other hand, coffee is also a diuretic, which means it reduces the moisture in the stool, making it harder to expel.

Doctors recommend avoiding diuretics such as coffee, alcohol, cola-based soft drinks and tea (one that contains caffeine), precisely for this reason.

4. Eat prunes

Eat four plums or drink two glasses of plum juice. This fruit is especially high in fiber and contains sorbitol, a sugar that helps soften stools and relieve constipation.

Sorbitol is a mild colon stimulant, which helps to reduce the time it takes for stool to pass through and thus lower the risk of constipation.

If the plump texture or unique flavor of the plum doesn’t appeal to you, juice may be a more acceptable alternative.

The effect can come in a few hours, so it is important to drink the first glass and observe the result before trying to drink another one, as otherwise you run the risk of suffering from diarrhea.

Consider that prunes have 14.7 g of sorbitol for every 100 g, while plum juice has 6.1 g of the substance for every 100 g.

That is, you will need to drink more plum juice to get the same benefits that pure plums offer.

5. Practice exercises

If possible, avoid sitting for more than 10 minutes and keep your body moving.

Moderate exercise is best, and even a 30-minute walk will help promote healthy bowel movements.

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