Oats Cut In Steel: What Is It And How To Prepare It?

The fiber contained in steel-cut oats is able to stimulate the digestive function and increase the biodiversity of the microbiota, which has a positive impact on health.
Oats cut in steel: what is it and how to prepare it?

Steel-cut oats is a variety that is characterized by having smaller flakes than the traditional version. It is great to be consumed with some type of beverage, such as coffee. Below, we’ll tell you all about this food so you know why you should include it in your diet.

Remember that oats are one of the best cereals you can find. In addition, it is sold with virtually no refining process, which gives it added value. In the case of wheat, for example, it is common to buy products with a high percentage of added sugar.

What is steel cut oats?

This cereal is characterized by being cut into small pieces. It must undergo a longer cooking process than its traditional way, although it can also be eaten raw.

The end result is a food with a rubbery texture. In addition, it has a light nutty flavor, which gives it superior organoleptic characteristics. From a nutritional point of view, it has the same characteristics as traditional oats.

oat bag
Traditional oats and steel-cut oats have the same nutritional characteristics.

Nutritional contribution of steel-cut oats

Steel-cut oats are capable of providing 375 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. From the point of view of macronutrients, their carbohydrate content stands out, although they have a low glycemic index, demonstrating an important quality.

It doesn’t contain many fats in its composition, but it has more protein than other cereals, such as wheat. In any case, it must be taken into account that it is a protein contribution of low biological value. It is also important to mention the presence of fibers.

Regarding micronutrients, we emphasize the content of B-complex vitamins and minerals. Among the latter, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc stand out. All of them participate in multiple physiological reactions that determine the body’s efficiency.

Benefits of consuming it

Next, we will show the benefits of consuming steel-cut oats and the position of science in this regard.

Reduction of intestinal problems

Oats stand out for their soluble fiber content. This substance is able to ferment in the intestine, generating a positive impact on the microbiota. Because of this, it allows you to experience positive effects related to more efficient digestion.

What is clear is that the beta-glucans contained in oats have been shown to assist in intestinal bacterial biodiversity, while serving as a substrate for the genesis of short-chain fatty acids, with an anti-inflammatory character.

Improved lipid profile

The fiber content of oats is able to positively influence the lipid profile of the body. While it is true that the impact of diet on cholesterol is limited, beta-glucans are able to increase the concentration of lipoprotein HLD ( good cholesterol ), reducing that of oxidized VLDL. This is stated by a study published in  The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .

Acts on the immune function

Oats have, as we said, a significant contribution of zinc. There is evidence that this mineral is able to stimulate immune function. It generates improvements in the differentiation of cells that make up the body’s defense system.

oat bowl
Oats provide fiber to improve the biodiversity of the gut microbiota, as well as zinc to strengthen the immune system.

How to prepare it?

Preparing steel-cut oats is very easy. You can follow a method similar to that used with cereals in their traditional form. Simply heat water or milk in a pan and add the oats later.

Over medium heat, you will need to stir for about 7 minutes until a mixture with a porridge and homogeneous texture forms. It can be served with toppings such as wild berries. It is advisable to avoid adding sugar so as not to harm its nutritional value.

On the other hand,  it is also possible to add raw oats to a drink such as coffee. In this way, its properties are increased. You can also blend everything in a blender for a liquid that is easier to drink and consume. This type of preparation is faster, making it the preferred option for many.

Steel-cut oats are a healthy food

Steel-cut oats are probably one of the best carbohydrate-rich foods we can find. Its sugars have a low glycemic index and it has a large amount of fiber capable of generating a positive impact on the microbiota.

As if that wasn’t enough, it ‘s a versatile food. It can be cooked, but it can also be whipped to prepare vitamins. It is also possible to add it to yogurt, along with a handful of oilseeds. In this way, you will achieve a complete end result from a nutritional point of view.

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