7 Reasons To Eat Spinach Every Day Of The Week

Did you know that spinach can help keep cholesterol levels under control and prevent circulatory and even heart problems?
7 reasons to eat spinach every day of the week

Some hate it, and others see this green leafy vegetable as a sensational resource with which to prepare energetic juices and healthy salads. Want to know some reasons to eat spinach every day? So keep reading!

When talking about spinach, we are talking about health and well-being in the first place. P vegetables ew provide us with such a rich and varied source of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients.

So much so that spinach is part of any diet considered healthy.

It provides an essential foundation of nutrients for children, energy for adults, and strength and balance for the elderly, and it also serves to enhance cognitive processes.

On the other hand, it is convenient to remember here that there are infinite ways to consume this vegetable, which we can enjoy throughout the year, both in summer and winter.

You can combine it in several dishes, but it is worth noting that the way in which it best retains its benefits is in its natural form.

Just worry about washing the leaves and then serving them in dishes combined with other foods rich in vitamin C (to increase the absorption of its nutrients).

With a little imagination, spinach can be part of your daily diet to give you all the benefits you need to maintain a healthy life.

Will you resist?

Reasons to Eat Spinach Daily

1. Good for the memory

Reasons to Eat Spinach Daily

Spinach is on the list of foods that our brain considers essential and indispensable.

It has minerals such as folic acid as well as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and several antioxidants that prevent neuronal or cognitive impairment.

In addition, the potassium in spinach is very important in increasing blood flow to the brain, which improves basic processes such as memory and concentration.

2. Take care of your vision

Spinach is a great source of beta-carotene, lutein and xanthine ; three types of antioxidants that are very beneficial for the eyes.

Beta-carotene, for example, will increase its potential if you consume, in this case, the cooked spinach and not in its natural form.

On the other hand, and as a curiosity, its high concentration of vitamin A will also help us to treat itchy eyes, and even any inflammation or irritation associated with allergic processes.

3. Strengthens muscles

Spinach helps to strengthen muscles

If you’re thinking about losing weight in a healthy way and are worried about flab, this will be one of your main reasons to eat spinach 7 days a week, in your salads, in a green juice or whatever you choose.

Spinach contains an element known as “C0-Q102”, a type of antioxidant that helps us strengthen our muscles by feeding them oxygen-rich blood and the proper minerals to ensure their endurance.

4. Fights osteoporosis

Spinach is a good source of vitamin K.

This not-so-known vitamin is very important because it helps us to “retain” calcium in our bones, which leads to mineralization in our skeleton, including our teeth and nails.

In addition, you will also be pleased to know that spinach is rich in manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.

5. Favors our metabolism

Spinach helps regulate metabolism

Every nutritionist would recommend including spinach in our diet.

The amount of protein found in it is staggering. Furthermore, it is easily digested and has a very positive impact on our metabolism.

Also, we must remember that it is a satiating food, ideal to help us lose weight.

6. Prevents atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is caused by hardening of the arteries. This silent but serious disease is one of the worst enemies of the population.

If we were used to eating spinach on a daily basis, it would benefit us with a pigment called lutein, very suitable for preventing the onset of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Thanks to lutein, we can reduce cholesterol and other fat deposits in blood vessels.

7. Prevents inflammation

Spinach juice against inflammation

Spinach is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, which are very valuable in preventing and treating inflammation throughout the body.

As we know, inflammation is very dangerous for our heart and is also associated with conditions as common as gout or arthritis.

In conclusion… as you can see, there are many reasons to eat spinach every day. It’s worth making a little effort and using our imagination to consume it regularly.

It only takes a handful to get a ton of health. What are you waiting for?

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