How To Clean The House With Baking Soda?

To unclog the pipes, pour baking soda into the drain and then vinegar. Leave to act for at least 15 minutes and then wash with hot water.

This element has countless uses. Baking soda is vital for the home if more natural alternatives to traditional cleaning chemicals are sought. The following article will provide tips to enjoy the benefits of this substance.

Why use baking soda at home?

First of all, who wouldn’t want to have a house always shiny, beautiful and clean? This requires spending several hours on the weekend cleaning or hiring someone to do it.

To clean the house, each household counts chemicals. However, these can be harmful to health, as they can cause irritation to the nose and skin, among other annoyances.

Thus, it seems a contradiction to want to eliminate viruses, bacteria and germs from the house, to stay away from diseases, and to use cleaning products that can be harmful.

Therefore, there is no need to expose yourself to these harmful products as there are several natural options for cleaning the house.

sodium bicarbonate

Benefits of Baking

There are thousands of effective recipes, but here we’ll talk about baking soda, which can be used in many ways to clean the house.

Baking soda neutralizes and eliminates bad odors from almost all materials and housing environments, in addition to absorbing grease stains.

In addition, it softens water to reduce the use of detergents, as well as cleans many surfaces.

In almost all cases, just mix 1 liter of water with ΒΌ cup of baking soda. Sometimes it will be necessary to use specific measures or proportions.

In addition, you will need a sponge or brush for a more effective cleaning that does not require a lot of effort. Another good news is that we help the environment by not pouring non-biodegradable products that contain toxic agents down the drain.

Cleaning with baking soda

Baking soda, its use for the home

These are some of the applications attributed to baking soda as a natural and homemade alternative to cleaning products, degreasers and disinfectants that are purchased in the market:

Clean the pipes :

Products used mainly to clean drains and pipes in the house are generally very dangerous and must be used in certain doses; moreover, they should not be inhaled, let alone come into contact with the mouth and skin.

Therefore, a good option to unclog the pipes is to drain the bicarbonate down the drain and then pour vinegar. Leave to act for at least 15 minutes.

During this time, observe the bubbles formed by the reaction between the two products. Afterwards, rinse with clean hot water.


Clean toys :

Children’s toys are always dirty and contain countless bacteria and viruses. To avoid illness, nothing better than immersing them in a solution of 4 tablespoons of baking soda and a liter of water.

Leave in container overnight and rinse in the morning. If dirt is stuck, sponge or brush it.

Serve as fabric softener :

Softeners purchased on the market serve to leave clothes fragrant, but create a layer of grease on the fibers to compensate for the action of washing powder or detergent.

To wash, use an ecological product and, as a fabric softener, a cup of baking soda, directly in the washer. Note that it does not serve as a soap.

Absorb odors :

Baking soda neutralizes organic odors, such as animal origin, food or sweat, as well as the smell of feet or shoes, wastebaskets, dog pillows or cat litter boxes, refrigerators, etc.

However, it is ineffective against synthetic odors such as perfume, tobacco or air fresheners.

Utilities of Sodium Bicarbonate

Caring for the rugs:

Pour a generous dose onto the mat and let it work overnight and in the morning vacuum or sweep.

This product removes the smell of dogs and cats and stains from food or beverages. It is used in the same way on car mats.

Clean the oven :

Just sprinkle water inside and then cover the surface with a few tablespoons of baking soda. Leave the lid closed and let it sit overnight.

If the oven wasn’t too dirty, it will glow the next morning. For old stains, wash with a cloth dampened with soapy water and rinse with water.

Eliminate cockroaches :

In case of infestations of this insect in your kitchen or bathroom, mix baking soda and sugar (1 tablespoon of each or equal parts) and place in a container in the infested environment.

Preserving food :

Put some baking soda over a jar or bottle and refrigerate it so the food will last longer.

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