Don’t Choose The Most Beautiful Person In The World, Choose The Right Person

The world is always more beautiful with the right people, those who harmonize in values, who do not judge and who favor personal growth.
Don't choose the most beautiful person in the world, but the right person

The world can always quickly take on a prettier, brighter, and more motivating tone when you have the right person by your side. We know that it is not easy to establish bonds and affective relationships that can really enrich our lives, but that is not why we should give up. Love is always worth it.

It is also common that there comes a time during our maturation when we stop valuing physical beauty so much, as we learn that what really counts, what will allow us to grow, is to be with someone who knows how to harmonize with our values, and give birth to everyday coexistence, to small details. Today, in our space, we invite everyone to reflect on this.

The world is always more beautiful with the right person

The world is always more beautiful with the right person

Positive relationships are those that, above all, respect spaces, opinions, beliefs and values and, in addition, favor our personal growth.

Finding the right life partner undoubtedly requires getting it wrong more than once, but as we move forward and become fully aware of what we want and don’t want, we will find the right person. Take note of what characteristics these personalities must have that can brighten our world and make it more beautiful.

who loves doesn’t judge

Certainly, in your social circle, you will have those classic people who condemn your actions, who dare to judge your words as if they were the owners of all universal truths.

People who enrich the world do not judge. They assist and advise, but do not punish with their words or use irony as a control and manipulation mechanism.

healthy attachment that doesn’t limit

Healthy relationships are based on an attachment that allows us to grow as a couple and individually. On the other side of the scale would undoubtedly be these dimensions:

  • Anxious attachment defines that person who fears being abandoned, who seeks to control at every moment, as their relationship is based on insecurity and low self-esteem;
  • Distant attachment, on the other hand, is one where there is only coldness, there is no support and is characterized by a selfish interest where one of the parties suffers this physical and emotional emptiness a lot.

Same values ​​and respect for differences

A happy, stable and mature couple doesn’t have to agree on everything. There are different interests, aspirations and even preferences; even our personality may be a little different, but something that needs to coincide are values.

  • Values ​​unite us in the same life projects, harmonize our emotions, principles and personal spaces.
  • A couple that respects their differences and enriches themselves with what they can offer each other are people who create a much more beautiful world.

Personal growth is respected and encouraged

Something that usually happens in many relationships between couples is that there comes a time when many personal aspirations and even spaces that used to identify us begin to limit themselves.

It is common to set aside certain hobbies, friends and even personal dreams, and this is not a sign that the other person is the right person for you.

  • Those who respect the couple’s personal space trust each other ; which allows them to remain the same with each of their passions, social relationships and professional aspirations,
  • The act of favoring personal spaces is a way of investing in the couple’s own common space. A person who is happy for who he is becomes someone who can enrich the relationship much more.

Start making your own world beautiful

Start making your own world beautiful

We’ve already talked about how important it is to find someone who knows how to make your day a more interesting, intense and beautiful setting. And the characteristics that the person is right for you or the interpersonal relationships you have.

However, we also cannot forget an essential point: don’t depend on others to find your happiness;  start creating the life you really want to live, that you identify with.

  • One of the most famous studies in our history is the so-called “ Grant Study ”. It lasted about 70 years and its purpose was to investigate what was the origin of authentic happiness;
  • The conclusion was: for most people, the fact of “loving and being loved” is synonymous with absolute happiness;
  • However, it is necessary to take into account that if we focus our lives only on this search, we will forget a very important pillar: the need to love ourselves.

The fact that we feel loved is, without a doubt, a very beautiful thing. But sometimes this quest can take a lifetime. Therefore, it  is best to start today to make our world beautiful, regardless of whether we are young, mature, tall, short, single or partners with wonderful people.

Start by wishing, start by anticipating new projects in which you will always be the protagonist of your adventures. Life with you is a wonderful place.

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