When Should We Start A Diet?

Do you know the benefits of starting a diet? Here we will explain it to you so that you can plan your diet in the best way.
When should we start a diet?

More than a diet, it’s a healthy lifestyle that needs a real commitment on your part. For this reason, here we will show you the reasons why you should start a diet, so that you can count on the right guide to help you reach the goals you have set.

Understanding this main motivation will make it much easier for you to take care of your physical well-being, and make it a habit in your daily routine.

We are the result of what we eat

A balanced diet provides the energy and nutrients needed at every stage of our lives. These elements will be vital for growth and development. And also in maintaining the following basic functions:

  • pumping blood,
  • Breathing
  • Digestion
  • Metabolism
  • Body temperature,
  • Fabric repair,
  • Waste excretion.

So, don’t forget that there must be a balance between energy consumption and expenditure. Remember that an imbalance due to deficit or excess are risk factors for many diseases such as anemia, osteoporosis, malnutrition, cardiovascular problems, kidney, brain, and even cancer.

Therefore, it is important to have an eating plan that suits each person’s individual needs. Be it children, adults, and pregnant women. This doesn’t have much to do with aesthetics, but with habits.

Thus, a thin person can have high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. The same can happen in the opposite case. In terms of health, 80 pounds of fat is not the same as 80 pounds of muscle.

What should you know to start a diet?

First of all, we remember that each person is a unique case and therefore requires a special nutritional plan. It is not recommended to start a diet without a timely diagnosis from a specialist, with the necessary tests and examinations.

In this regard, you should take the following recommendations into account if you want to start a diet:

1. Get advice

To start a diet consult a nutritionist

You should consult an expert on the subject to guide you, advise you, and establish the best diet that meets your needs, and to monitor your progress.

2. Change your habits

First, commit to changing your lifestyle. Only then will you be healthy and lose weight at the same time. You can ask your family for help, so that everyone in the house can be the emotional and moral support you need in this new stage of your life.

3. Work with goals

Now, set goals that are safe, specific and practical, that allow you to move forward despite the setbacks you may have along the way.

4. Exercise

Exercise when starting a diet

You should definitely follow your diet with an exercise routine that helps you stay in top physical, emotional, and mental condition.

What are the health benefits of a controlled diet?

Above all, healthy diets controlled by professionals create the following benefits in people’s lives:

  • In children, it brings age- and gender-appropriate growth and development. In addition to creating habits that will last into adulthood.
  • In pregnant women, it ensures an adequate weight and height of the newborn at birth. In addition to preventing illnesses due to the mother’s malnutrition, it also includes numerous benefits from the nutrients provided to the baby through breastfeeding.
  • In adults, the correction of habits and the prevention and timely treatment of diseases.

Why is it necessary to go to a nutritionist?

When you want to start a diet, interested parties need to look for a nutritionist because of the differences that exist from person to person:

  • Age
  • Lifestyle.
  • habits
  • Culture
  • Socioeconomic condition

Certainly, a nutritionist is trained to assess each of these aspects to be taken into account. And so, develop a food plan that meets the needs of each patient.

How many calories can you eat a day?

According to the World Health Organization, a person with a healthy weight and under normal conditions should ingest about 2,000 calories a day. However, this can vary depending on whether you train with a lot of intensity or not, some medical regulations, etc…

How are the portions distributed?

First, between five and six meals a day should be taken. There are three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the other hand, between two and three snacks:

  • You should not go more than four hours without consuming food.
  • You cannot skip meals.
  • You have to respect the schedule.

Compliance with these recommendations brings multiple health benefits, such as satiety, decreased stomach acid secretion without food, reduced insulin peaks in diabetic patients, among others.


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