Non-fat Yogurt, Advantages Of Consuming It During Diet

Low-fat yogurt is extremely beneficial when on a diet. Here we will tell you the reasons.
Low-fat yogurt, advantages of consuming it during the diet

Yogurt is obtained from bacterial fermentation of lactose. When we go on a diet, one of the essential and most recommended foods is low-fat yogurt. However, you may not know what its benefits are.

So here we are going to tell you the advantages of consuming it while on a diet. You will find that there are excellent reasons to follow this recommendation. However, make sure it is of good quality.

1. Speeds up metabolism

Non-fat yogurt speeds up metabolism

Certainly, one of the causes of being overweight is having a slow metabolism. Low-fat yogurt speeds up metabolism and activates the intestinal flora with its high content of probiotics.

This makes it an excellent ally for people who suffer from constipation, and those who want to detoxify their body. If you fit in these cases, start the day with a portion of this food, and you will notice the difference in a very short time.

Without a doubt, if you want to increase its effect, combine yogurt with foods that facilitate intestinal transit. Two good options are papaya and oatmeal.

2. It has high protein content

Low-fat yogurt stands out for its high protein content, even when compared to whole yogurt. On average, this provides 4.3 grams of protein  per 100 ml.

Furthermore, proteins are essential during the diet to obtain the necessary amount of amino acids in our body. You should consume protein daily to increase your muscle mass and reduce fat accumulation. However, the right amount of protein depends on different factors, such as gender, age, and physical activity performed.

3. Reduces the possibility of suffering respiratory diseases

Low-fat yogurt also protects us from annoying respiratory ailments. Recent studies, carried out in people of middle age and advanced, show that the probiotics in yogurt protect us from acute respiratory illnesses.

Just ingest 300 ml of yogurt a day for probiotics to influence serum protein, hemoglobin and T lymphocytes. In total, it can reduce up to 55% the probability of suffering from any disease of the upper respiratory tract.

So, in addition to taking care of your weight, low-  fat yogurt will boost your immune response to illnesses like the flu.

4. Provides more nutrients than any other type of dairy product

Low-fat yogurt provides more nutrients than any other type of dairy product

Although low-fat yogurt is part of dairy products, several studies have shown that it provides more nutrients than other foods in its group.

It provides a lot of vitamins, B2 and B12, calcium, potassium, magnesium, among other micronutrients. For example, it gives us 50% more potassium, calcium and magnesium than low-fat milk.

5. Low-fat yogurt has antioxidant properties

If you’ve decided to go on a diet, it’s because you care about your health and physical appearance. However, day by day we expose ourselves to different factors that can affect our health. One is free radicals that can cause serious degenerative diseases, and premature aging.

When your body encounters oxidation, mitochondria activate their antioxidants to protect you. When it lacks the necessary antioxidants  , a phenomenon known as oxidative stress occurs. This means that it will not have enough energy to be able to function properly. A common effect of this is that your metabolism slows down and hinders your weight loss efforts.

That’s why you should look for alternatives that protect your body and your health. During 2017, studies were carried out that proved the effectiveness of low-fat yogurt to defend our body from oxidation. Yogurt contains several bioactive applications, derived from the fermentation process, which are excellent natural antioxidants.

This benefit is enhanced by adding some fruits, providing ascorbate, carotenoids, thecopherols, and phenolic compounds that contribute to the total antioxidant capacity of yogurt.

6. It’s an excellent dessert

Without a doubt, it is very common for diets to exclude any type of dessert. This is often a nightmare for those who experience sweet food cravings after meals. However,  you can find yogurt in a wide variety of flavors, or combine it with  fruit .


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