6 Reasons Why Warm Water On An Empty Stomach Is Better Than Cold Water

Warm water can help us prevent premature aging. A glass of hot water on an empty stomach helps eliminate toxins, repairs skin cells and increases its elasticity.
6 Reasons Why Fasting Warm Water Is Better Than Cold Water

Are you in the habit of drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach? Maybe with a few drops of lemon to reduce the acidity of the body? It does very well, as this practice has several benefits for health and well-being, which we will talk about in this article.

Warm water is also better than cold water, as it is close to the body’s internal temperature, is more pleasant to consume during the first hours of the day and offers several benefits, which we describe in detail later on.

Many people started this habit to lose weight, aid digestion, reduce morning hunger and to “cleanse the blood”, detoxifying the body.

As many also have the habit of evacuating in the morning, eliminating waste and toxins from the body, warm water helps the body eliminate what it no longer needs.

Check out in detail all these benefits of waking up with a glass of pure, warm water, with or without lemon:

1. Improves digestion

Ayurveda, a branch of Indian medicine well respected in the world, claims that warm water, with or without lemon, contributes to the “digestive fire” ( jataragni ) and to metabolize food in the morning.

Chinese medicine also explains that warm water helps digestion by keeping the stomach warm, which facilitates the action of gastric juices on food.

It is the practice of many people to drink hot tea after meals, perhaps because of this.

2. Helps to lose weight

The body needs extra effort to absorb water in the morning and leave it at body temperature, which is 37°C on average.

As we drink warm water at around 30°C, the body will expend calories to stabilize its temperature again.

In addition, lukewarm water on an empty stomach is considered a diuretic, as it favors the loss of fluids, which can be seen on the scale and in the reduction of measurements. The habit facilitates the elimination of urine with toxins and other waste.

Warm water also helps give your body a feeling of fullness, meaning you’ll feel less hungry before breakfast. So, drink warm water before the three main meals of the day to speed up results.

Whether you’re on a diet or not, drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can help you reach your ideal weight faster!

3. Warm water on an empty stomach reduces constipation

Warm water facilitates bowel movements and softens very hard stools, which causes constipation (or “constipation”). In addition, drinking a lot of water, in addition to keeping the body hydrated, also contributes to thicker, softer stools that can be eliminated easily.

For best results, drink the warm water and wait about half an hour before eating anything else for your body to react.

Also, to fight constipation, you need to eat a diet rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits, with less meat and dairy products, and move your body regularly.

4. Makes the skin more beautiful

By helping to balance the body’s pH, warm water helps the body to eliminate free radicals, the main causes of skin aging. In addition, the detoxifying power of tepid fasting water helps eliminate toxins that leave the skin tired and dull.

5. Balances the body’s pH

Adding the juice of half a lemon to 100ml of warm water and drinking on an empty stomach also helps balance the body’s pH, which fights premature aging and helps the immune system become stronger to fight infections and other threats.

Homemade Lemon Remedies

Lemon is also an astringent, and along with warm water, it helps to dissolve fat in the stomach walls and detoxify the liver. The entire body benefits from this simple habit as it offers many benefits and costs next to nothing.

6. Contributes to new healthy habits

Adopting a healthy habit helps us to adopt other practices that are good for our health. The morning is the best time to exercise, do some kind of meditation or invest in a healthy meal as it prepares us for the day.


In the afternoon and evening, we tend to be more tired, and changing habits can become more difficult. Warm water on an empty stomach, especially with lemon, also has a stimulating power, improving blood circulation and providing more energy.

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