8 Food Combinations That Help You Lose Weight

Did you know that spicy foods like cayenne pepper help you lose weight thanks to their capsaicin content? This compound is ideal for speeding up metabolism and burning fat.

Often,  losing weight does not depend solely on physical activity or following a balanced diet. Other factors, such as food combinations, also come into play.

In this article, we’ll talk about the most suitable combinations if your intention is to lose weight in a healthy way. Check out!

1. Food combinations: egg with vegetables

If you mix vegetables with egg, especially if it is boiled egg, you will get a delicious and very nutritious dish.

Eggs favor the absorption of carotenoids. These are the pigments that give color to vegetables and are a great ally in diets to lose weight.

In this way, boiled egg becomes the perfect ingredient to add to your salads.

2. Food combinations: tuna with ginger

ginger to lose weight

Ginger is a food that facilitates good intestinal transit and is responsible for accelerating gastric emptying, in such a way that it blocks the enzymes that promote inflammation.

Tuna, on the other hand, contains a type of omega 3 that prevents the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

3. Food combinations: chicken and cayenne pepper

Combining chicken and cayenne pepper is a very effective recipe if you want to lose weight.

  • Chicken is a food rich in protein and helps to generate a feeling of fullness for longer. Thus, it will help us to reduce the calorie intake in meals.
  • On the other hand, in the case of cayenne pepper, it is a condiment that  accelerates fat burning and reduces appetite.

4. Food combinations: melon and grapes

slimming melon

If you like fruit, you should include a combination of melon and grapes in your diet, as, thanks to its properties, it will help you lose weight.

  • Melon is a natural diuretic that will help prevent fluid retention.
  • On the other hand, grapes have a very potent antioxidant (resveratrol) which is also ideal for reducing fat accumulation.

Thus, this is an ideal mixture to avoid bloating and fluid retention.

5. Food Combinations: Spinach and Avocado Oil

  • On the one hand, avocado oil will help you improve your cholesterol levels and, in addition, it is worth remembering that it is an excellent food that contains vitamins B and E, and minerals such as potassium.
  • On the other hand, we find spinach, which will make your feeling of fullness come fast. Furthermore, it is an ingredient that brings very few calories to your dishes.

6. Food combinations: corn and pulses

Corn helps you lose weight

The mixture of corn and legumes is another great combination that will help you take care of your measurements.

Diets that include pulses once a week are more effective in losing weight  than one that brings in the same calories but doesn’t include them.

Corn is a food that increases the slimming effect, as it contains a resistant starch that makes the body not able to absorb most of the calories and glucose that is ingested.

 7. Food Combinations: Potato and Pepper

Even if you don’t believe it, potatoes are more filling than whole grains and are rich in potassium. To achieve our purpose, it is best to eat them cooked or roasted, without butter or other seasonings.

The best option is to season them with pepper: this way you will be able to interfere with the formation of new fat cells and, therefore, you will avoid gaining weight.

8. Food combinations: coffee and cinnamon

Coffee helps you lose weight

Cinnamon is a condiment rich in antioxidants and is responsible for reducing belly sagging.

On the other hand, coffee is responsible for reducing your appetite. If you want to lose a few pounds, there’s nothing better than having a coffee with cinnamon to start the day.

Other recommendations for healthy weight loss

The tip is not to combine elements that contain:

  • Proteins and Carbohydrates
  • Proteins and starches
  • Starches and sugar
  • Sugar and fats
  • Fruits with sugar

If you follow these tips, you will be able to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and be in good physical shape.

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