Top 4 Tips For Not Getting Fat In Summer

Would you like to talk about your weight during the summer? Here are some tips that will help you avoid weight gain this season.
4 best tips for not getting fat in summer

It is not unreasonable to say that it is easy to gain weight in the summer, as gaining weight in the summer is due to a change in routine. We tend to stop consuming healthy foods and opt for the more caloric ones; besides the lack of exercise because we prefer constant rest.

The pounds purchased will depend on each person and not everyone gains the same pounds. This is explained by Paula Rodríguez Alonso, representative of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) in a note published in the 20-minute newspaper .

Certainly you don’t want all the effort you put in during the year to get in shape to disappear within a few weeks of summer, let alone if you’ve invested a great deal of time in maintaining a healthy eating and exercise routine.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best tricks so that when the summer is over, you don’t gain too many pounds. Pay close attention to what you read below.

4 tips for not getting fat in summer

1. First of all, moderate yourself

Summer is one of the most difficult seasons to maintain healthy habits that we acquire during the other months of the year.

That’s because heat makes us increase our fluid intake. Likewise, outings and parties with our friends or relatives become habitual in our routines and our eating habits change completely.

For this reason, you should enjoy your summer meetings, but in moderation and without excesses. You can eat all you want, but do it in small portions, and if you ever go overboard, don’t fret, just try not to make a habit of it.

2. Balanced diet so as not to get fat in the summer

Balanced diet so you don't get fat in the summer


Not getting fat in the summer means resisting the temptation to break our diet. Therefore, we should eat every three or four hours and in adequate amounts.

Likewise, remember the importance of keeping vegetables and fruits between your respective meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Keep in mind that a varied, balanced and non-excessive diet guarantees the supply of nutrients your body needs   to stay in shape and, above all, healthy.

Likewise, you should avoid uncontrolled consumption of fast food, which we often eat when we travel to the beach or other places on the road.

In addition, we should avoid refined sugars and saturated fats that are often present in ice cream, sauces, and pre-cooked foods. You can also apply the following tips:

  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Respect the schedule for each meal.
  • Do not eat haphazardly between hours.
  • Have dinner for a maximum of two hours before going to sleep.
  • Don’t eat very heavy meals.
  • Eat fresh fruit.

3. Work out!

Exercise not to get fat in the summer


Staying physically active will significantly lower your chances of putting on weight in the summer.

If you’re away from home and can’t go to the gym, you can jog in the morning or do a sport that you enjoy that allows you to exercise your body. If you share this activity with your friends or family, it will be much easier and fun to do.

Now, if you are one of those people who costs a lot to maintain a physical training routine, don’t worry, there is a solution for everything, you can resort to activities that don’t require a lot of bodily effort, such as: climbing stairs, swimming or walking for a few minutes every day.

4. Hydrate yourself!

During the summer, it is normal that we retain more fluids, essential for the heat that characterizes this season.

We tend to be away from home most of the day, which causes us not to hydrate properly. In this sense, we should drink between two and two and a half liters a day.

On the other hand, Rodriguez Alonso recommends that if you want to opt for other types of liquids (with the exception of water and cold infusions such as refreshing drinks or juices), it is essential that they are free of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners that only settle in the abdomen and harm our health.

It also explains that alcoholic beverages should be avoided; however, he pointed out that on these dates their consumption increases; in this sense, it clarifies that they should be taken in a moderate, responsible way and always accompanied by some food.

If you follow these tips, you will only receive praise and good comments from your work, family and close environment.

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