The 5 Possible First Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer

Although the symptoms of tongue cancer may coincide with other, less serious conditions, it is important to see a doctor if we have several of them to rule out bigger problems.
The 5 Possible First Symptoms of Tongue Cancer

Tongue cancer, technically known as oral and oropharyngeal cancer, is one of the less frequent types of cancer. In most cases, people with tongue cancer are either lifelong smokers or alcohol users.

Statistics indicate that this disease occurs more in men than in women, and that in recent years the number of patients diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal cancer has increased.

Like any disease, in its initial stage, it has certain symptoms that are indicators that something is happening. If you suspect that you are developing tongue cancer, today we bring you some symptoms of this pathology.

It is important to note that these are more general symptoms, which are not 100% indicators that you have cancer. Remember that if you have any discomfort, you should see a doctor to carry out the corresponding tests and give a proper diagnosis.

Tongue Cancer Risk Factors

According to American Cancer Society experts , these are the main risk factors for tongue cancer. Check out!

1. Smoking

Cigarette consumption is harmful to health and increases the risk of developing various types of cancer.

As they are harmful to health, both alcoholism and smoking are among the main risk factors for several types of cancer and other diseases. Therefore, it is also part of the list of factors for tongue cancer.

Stanford Children’s Health experts point out the following regarding regular tobacco use:

Toxic substances weaken the immune system and damage cells, making the body more vulnerable to disease, according to experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

2. Alcoholism

The scientific community agrees that, like tobacco, alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing any type of disease, including tongue cancer.

In this regard, the team at the National Cancer Institute of Spain comments on the following:

So, the more alcohol and tobacco a person consumes in their daily life, the greater the risk of developing tongue and other cancers. Therefore, health experts comment that the ideal would be to renounce these harmful habits.

3. Bad diet

A poor diet is harmful in many settings because it doesn’t provide the body with everything it needs. In this sense, consuming  junk food can satiate the appetite, but it does nothing to contribute to health in the short or long term.

A diet low in fruits, vegetables and vegetables has been shown to increase the risk of developing tongue cancer and many other diseases.

4. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

People affected by HPV are more likely to have tongue cancer due to the fact that  this virus is directly linked to the development and emergence of the disease.

According to CDC data, many people are exposed to HPV throughout their lives. This virus can infect the mouth – and therefore the throat – and cause tongue cancer. “HPV is believed to cause 70% of oropharyngeal cancers in the United States.”

Possible symptoms of tongue cancer

Oropharyngeal cancer affects the mouth, throat and tonsils. The involvement of the base of the language is notorious. Here are some symptoms that may indicate that there is a problem and that it is time to see your doctor.

1. Tongue wounds

The appearance of really painful sores, ulcers or canker sores that are difficult to eliminate with treatment is one of the first symptoms of tongue or oral cancer. Usually, bruises are painful and very uncomfortable, but you will recognize them because they  are much more sensitive and appear so often.

It’s important not to confuse these with normal sores or cold sores, so pay attention to the level of pain and its duration.

2. Pain

The pain caused by tongue cancer is not restricted to this region, it can also radiate to the entire mouth and throat.

  • It can manifest itself in simple, everyday tasks such as drinking fluids and chewing food.
  • Depending on the pain, both when swallowing and when chewing, it can be an indicator of this pathology, although it can also be a consequence of throat infections, tonsillitis or allergies.

So keep an eye on the intensity of the pain and its duration. If it lasts longer than a week and other symptoms appear, such as tongue blemishes, the best option is to carry out a general evaluation to obtain a diagnosis.

 3. Tongue spots

These blemishes are another great indicator of tongue cancer. They are usually white (leukoplachia) or red (erythroplachia) and last for more than two weeks.

If that’s the case for you, it’s important to see your doctor to find out what it is. If the specialist deems it necessary, he will recommend a biopsy to analyze the content of the spots.

4. Bad smell

It is very common to have a bad smell in the mouth after the previous symptoms. It can be removed by brushing, but sooner or later it will return and  may be accompanied by a bloody taste.

5. Blood on the tongue

If you notice frequent bleeding when brushing your teeth, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Many people experience bleeding from the tongue area and confuse it with bleeding from gums or bruises. It is very important to determine where the blood comes from.

  • Clean your tongue after eating with a cotton swab to check where the blood comes from.
  • Likewise, see a doctor if you constantly experience the taste of blood in your mouth.

What to do if you experience these symptoms?

It should be borne in mind that the symptoms mentioned above are not always symptoms of this type of cancer, as they may be a consequence of other diseases. If you experience something like this, the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends going to the dentist for a routine checkup.

It is important to note that people with oral cancer may have some symptoms, but this is not always the case. Therefore, in case of doubt, the ideal is to consult the dentist.

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