Do You Have Gallstones?

Poor diet and excess cholesterol can develop solid particles that obstruct the flow of bile. Opt for steamed vegetables, meats and fish, rich in vitamins and iron.
Do you have gallstones?

The gallbladder is an organ of the digestive system, located below the liver, and its function is to produce bile, the liquid substance that helps us to digest all fats. Learn healthy lifestyle habits that avoid gallstones in this article.

However, poor diet and excess cholesterol can develop solid particles that obstruct the flow of bile. These particles or stones are known as gallstones.

It is recommended to take care of health and nutrition to prevent this disease. That’s why we’ll share some things you should know next.

Who is affected by gallstones?


The people most likely to develop this disease are:

  • Women, because during pregnancy, high estrogen levels decrease vesicular mobility. Likewise, women who take birth control pills increase their cholesterol levels.
  • People suffering from obesity.
  • Native Americans exposed to high consumption of fat and sugar.
  • People over 60 years old.
  • Diabetic people.

How to detect gallstones?


To find out if we have calculi, we must first know the symptoms and then perform the corresponding exams:

  • Heavy abdomen.
  • Inflammation.
  • Pain in the right part of the abdomen.
  • Stitches in the lower back.
  • Headaches, nausea and fever.

These are the most common symptoms that indicate our gallbladder needs attention.

Once manifested, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can detect the stones by simply feeling your abdomen or performing an abdominal ultrasound.

Food is the key to avoiding gallstones


The consumption of fruits and vegetables – such as radishes, celery  and artichoke -, vitamin C, whole grains and low fat foods are indicated for the proper functioning of the gallbladder and good digestion.  

It is suggested that red meat be replaced by white, steamed, grilled or roasted. Fish consumption is a good option for the diet, as they are rich in protein and iron.

Still, it is recommended to leave out soft drinks, sweets, alcohol and all kinds of excess fried foods.

Foods that are too well-seasoned also reduce good digestion and cause reflux.

Home remedies for gallstones


To help improve our digestion, there are remedies that we can make ourselves and from 100% natural sources:

  • Apple juice.
  • Chamomile tea three times a day.
  • Mineral water.

These are the main options that we must consider. These liquids help us to clear the gallbladder and feel immediate relief, especially for those people who suffer from colic and pain like this.

On the other hand, many people have confirmed that sleeping on the right side, that is, the side where the gallbladder is located, helps to alleviate this condition and speeds up the expulsion of stones, also known as crystals.

Healthy Living Habits That Prevent Gallstones


Exercise and physical activity will always be a fun and beneficial option for everyone who wants to prevent diseases like calculi. By maintaining an ideal weight, you maintain a good state of physical and mental health.

To consider…

Our good health depends on how we eat. Taking care of our gallbladder and all our organs is essential for us to extend our life.

We should not expect the problem to grow bigger and that we are progressively more without options to recover.

It’s also not fair that we expose our bodies to risks such as surgery, which, as much as it gives us good results, should never be the first way out.

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