Best Exercise Routine To Do At Home

How long will this exercise routine take at home? Only 7 minutes. So you can practice it on that day when you can’t go to the gym or on the weekend.
Best exercise routine to do at home

We can perform this exercise routine to do at home every other day and increase intensity and repetition as we gain endurance to achieve better results.

However, if you have  rubber bands or dumbbells to make your workouts much more intense, you can include them.

You can also  do this as part of your personal training  if you are not enrolled in any gym.

Home Exercise Routine in 7 Minutes

Get ready in a space where you won’t hit anything. You can put on music to cheer you up as you do these exercises. Come on?

1. Heels separating the legs

weight exercises


The warm-up beforehand is very important so that we don’t get hurt  and our body is prepared to perform the exercises we will present below.

To perform this warm-up,  open your legs and arms in a coordinated fashion  for 30 seconds. As you can see, it’s not a lot of time, but it will be put to good use.

2. Wall squats

For this exercise, you will need the support of a wall. It’s not a normal squat where we have to lower our body and raise it up again. This squat is completely different.

  • As if you were sitting in an invisible chair, place your entire spine against the wall.
  • You can place your arms forward, on your hips, or in whatever position is most comfortable for you.
  • In this position, hold another 30 seconds.

3. Push-ups

We continue with the push-ups!

  • To do this third exercise, lie down on the floor and place your hands at chest level.
  • Go up and down again. Try touching your chest to the floor.

It is very important that the body does not make strange movements. That is, you must go down and up like a plank, straight. Sometimes, due to exertion, we tend to lower our hips to help us do the exercise. This is not correct!

Let’s do whatever push-ups we can for 30 seconds. The more the better!

4. Abdominal

woman doing sit-ups

After the crunches, let’s work on the abdominal. For this exercise, lie down on a flat surface. You can use a mat to avoid being on the cold floor and to avoid damaging your back.

  • For 30 seconds,  lift your torso using the abdominal force and lower.
  • The arms follow the body to the front and when we descend, it is important that they rise above our head.
  • If you want to do this exercise more deeply, when you have a tight abs, you can try lifting your arms toward the ceiling.
  • Finally lower them to shoulder height.

5. Step on the chair

For this exercise you will need a chair or bench. It is important that it is as tall as any chair is. In addition, it should be noted that it is firmly on the ground. That means it doesn’t move, because we could get hurt.

  • To perform this exercise, get up and down from the chair for 30 seconds, supporting both legs. Do it repeatedly.
  • Try to do it non-stop. The more times the better.

6. Squat

The second exercise is the wall squat, but now you’ll include in your home exercise routine the normal squats!

To perform this exercise, you must be careful that your knees do not extend beyond your feet. If the squats are done poorly, your knees can hurt and hurt.

  • For 30 seconds, with your arms facing forward, sit in an imaginary chair and stand up.
  • Try to download as much as possible.
  • With practice, you will almost reach the ground.

7. on the chair

Triceps push-ups

In this case, it’s time to work our arms. Especially the triceps part.

  • To do this, go back to the chair and rest your hands on the edge of the seat. Stretch your legs.
  • Afterwards, bend your arms and lower your body towards the floor. Then start climbing.
  • You can also flex your legs a little or keep them fully stretched.
  • Finally, do this exercise as often as you can for 30 seconds.

8. Board

With the plank exercise we also exercise our abs. As you can see, this 7-minute routine is working the whole body.

  • First, lie on your stomach, with your feet pointed and your forearms flat on the floor.
  • Then keep your head aligned with your spine and stay in that position for 30 seconds.
  • Pay attention to prevent the hips from rising or falling too much.

9. Knee Lift

Come on, we’ve almost reached the end! Do you remember the warm up from the beginning? Well, in this case, we’re going to do something similar, but this time we’re going to run without moving.

  • First, run in the same place for 30 seconds , lifting your knees as much as possible.
  • To have a reference, think that they have to touch the chest. That will be the right time.

10. Front pass

leg exercise

To perform this exercise, you must go one step further.

  • First, take a big step and bend your leg. The rear leg should touch the ground, if possible.
  • Then do this exercise for 30 seconds and switch legs.
  • Finally, if you want to add more intensity, you can move up and down twice with each leg before switching.

11. Flexion with rotation

In this case, let’s remember the push-up we did in the third exercise of this home exercise routine, but let’s make it a little more complicated.

  • First, do a full push-up for 30 seconds.
  • Once you reach the top, rotate your body as much as possible.
  • Finally, your body should straighten and then raise your free arm toward the ceiling.

12. Side board

Home exercise routine: side crunches

We’ve come to the end! This last exercise in this home exercise routine consists of a side plank on the right side and one on the left side. Each of them will last about 30 seconds.

  • Stand on your side, sideways,  with your body fully extended and your forearm supported.
  • The top arm can either face the ceiling or rest alongside our body.

Finally, don’t forget to stretch after doing this routine.

Without a doubt, your body will look more toned, you’ll gain strength, and you’ll be able to do more push-ups! In short, all are advantages.

Do you dare to put it into practice?

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