5 Cleaning Habits To Keep The House Tidy

Forget the entire afternoons spent cleaning the house. If you adopt small daily habits to maintain order and cleanliness, you will find that everything becomes easier and more bearable.
5 cleaning habits to keep the house tidy

Cleaning habits to keep the house organized are very simple. It’s all a matter of common sense and of maintaining constancy after starting to apply these measures.

Does it seem like you can never get the house in total harmony? Or until, even after cleaning, dirt and objects appear out of place in a short time? It may be that if you live alone this is not so often, but if you are a mother or father, these feelings are certainly more common.

Keeping the house clean and organized is a challenge for many families. And in the coming and going of everyday life, dust and objects dropped in different environments are almost impossible to avoid. However, there are certain steps we can take.

Many end up resigning and get used to living with the mess in their house. Others, however, are looking for alternatives to break with this reality. To help you out, below are the five best cleaning habits to keep your house tidy.

Benefits of living with the organization

Woman resting after cleaning the house.

First of all, it is correct to say that it is better to live in a clean and orderly house. Even though it sounds like a lie, this is a very important part of the residents’ mood. These are the three main advantages:

  • Lower risk of disease. Accumulation of dust and bacteria is a very common cause of allergies or other illnesses.
  • Better mood. Everyone likes to see a tidy house and to feel a pleasant aroma in the environment. This resonates widely, at least unconsciously, in our moods and activities in the house.
  • It’s an exercise. Cleaning generates moderate energy expenditure that is good for the body. Also, when you are done, you will feel relief and satisfaction from taking this excess load off of yourself.

5 cleaning habits to keep the house tidy

Now, it’s time to talk about the most important thing. How can we get used to keeping the house organized? With these very simple cleaning habits to keep the house organized, you will find that there are small daily efforts that will make your life easier.

1. Keep the floor clean

woman cleaning the floor

If you set aside five minutes each day to clean your floor, you’ll find that maintenance will be much simpler. Instead of letting dust and food debris accumulate, practice daily hygiene with a damp cloth. If you don’t think it’s necessary, just sweep a little to remove the dirt. You can do this every day after lunch.

2. Make the beds

Yes, we know it’s something a lot of people hate. However, having the beds made will give you the constant feeling that your house is always in order. It is recommended to do this in the morning, right after getting up. If you can, also leave the windows open to ventilate. Sheets must be washed once a week with hot water.

3. Leave the clothes folded or hanging on the hanger

Ironed and folded clothes

If there is an image that contributes negatively to keeping the house disorganized, it is that of messy clothes. To avoid this, it would be very good if you developed the habit of not leaving anything out of place.

When you get home, hang up your coat. After showering, put the dirty clothes in the hamper. If you changed to go out or to sleep, leave the next day’s clothes on a chair or somewhere in the closet. They are minimal actions, but they cause a great visual impact.

4. Clean the bathroom and check it every day

While cleaning the bathroom after showering may seem extremely elaborate, it is a very effective method. You can wipe the walls with a disinfectant cloth to prevent soap or even slime from accumulating. Also, set aside two minutes before showering to clean the toilet and sink. You will find that, with little time, it will be possible to radically change the appearance of your bathroom.

5. Set a collective cleaning time every day

family cleaning the house together

It can be, for example, after lunch. Assign each family member a task: washing the dishes, taking out the trash, feeding the pets, or sweeping the floor. If you live alone, try to do the same, even if it takes more time.

These are small responsibilities that together cause the feeling of guilt and regret for leaving things incomplete. In addition, they contribute to the formation of responsibility for the children and improve the coexistence of everyone in the house.

Last but not least, it is worth remembering that by no means everything that has been said before is to say “live to clean”. We don’t need to go to extremes if we want to find a balance that gives us well-being.

It’s about finding a routine and providing a healthy and pleasant environment. It’s not necessary to obsess, just be constant.

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