7 Benefits Of Eating Carrots During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, nutrients and vitamins that promote the correct development of the baby are needed. Carrots are an excellent ally because they contain them. Include it in your diet.
7 benefits of consuming carrots during pregnancy

Consuming carrots during pregnancy offers great benefits for your baby’s development. The consumption of vegetables such as carrots provides nutrients and vitamins, helping to meet daily micronutrient requirements.

Carrot is an orange-colored vegetable with white flowers, round leaves and a cone-shaped root. It can be consumed raw or cooked, being a good option to include it in meals or consume it as a snack. Let’s show you the 7 benefits of including this vegetable in your diet during pregnancy.

Benefits of consuming carrots in pregnancy

There are many benefits to consuming carrots during pregnancy. Some of them are as follows.

1. Helps to take care of the eyesight

Carrots contain beta-carotene; this substance is transformed into vitamin A after consumption. This vitamin, according to the  scientific literature, helps improve vision because it prevents macular degeneration, a disorder that destroys vision, and prevents cataracts.

benefits of consuming carrots during pregnancy

2. Prevents diseases

Vitamin E and beta-carotene are antioxidants contained in carrots. They  help neutralize free radicals that cause cardiovascular and digestive diseases.

Ingestion during pregnancy will increase protection against the harmful effects of these elements. In fact,  research published in the journal  Nutrients  ensures that regular intake of vitamin E is able to modulate the immune response.

 3. Fights constipation

It is common for pregnant women to suffer from constipation due to the fact that digestion changes during this period.

Raw carrots keep their high fiber content intact, so consuming them in this state is ideal for regulating good digestion. Experts recommend regular consumption of fiber to avoid intestinal problems.

4. Anti-diarrheal effect

Just as there are women who suffer from constipation during pregnancy, there are also those who suffer from constant diarrhea.

In these cases, it is recommended to consume the cooked carrot, as this will activate its astringent and anti-diarrheal effects.

woman eating carrot

5. Benefits for the endocrine system

Carrots have a high iodine content.  This is a micronutrient that positively influences the endocrine system, causing thyroid hormones to work in the development of the baby’s brain.

It also helps to maintain a stable body temperature for both of you, which makes pregnancy more comfortable.

6. Helps in cell development

The vitamin A present in carrots provides great benefits during pregnancy. One of them is to  favor the correct cellular development of the baby.

It also strengthens placental adhesion and contributes to the proper functioning of the body’s defenses that protect skin tissues.

7. Helps maintain the ideal weight

There are myths that mention that carrots are fattening. This couldn’t be further from reality, as including carrots in your diet is very beneficial.

This vegetable is low in calories and, for this reason, is an ideal ingredient for salads, purees or to be included in the preparation of soups. Eating it daily does not imply weight gain.

Choose quality carrots and learn to preserve them

To make the most of these and other benefits, you should take into account that  the carrot skin should be soft to the touch, bright orange, and have no side roots.

The ideal size for this vegetable is medium. The pulp and center color must be the same; this indicates that it is a quality carrot and will stay fresh longer.

If you want to eat it raw, you can keep it in the fridge for about two weeks.  If you prefer to consume them cooked, one option is to peel them, cut them and soften them with a little hot water before freezing them. They can last up to eight months in the freezer.

Keep in mind that you should not keep carrots  alongside other gas-producing foods such as melon, apples, and bananas to prevent them from having a bitter taste.

Energy shake to include carrots in your diet

Carrot Juice

Juice 3 in 1

A delicious way to enjoy the benefits of consuming carrots during pregnancy is to prepare this juice.


  • 4 cups of natural orange juice
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1/2 beet
  • 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar


  • Cut the carrots and beets into small pieces.
  • Put them in a blender and blend.
  • Strain the mixture to separate the liquid from the pulp.
  • Mix the orange juice with the beetroot and carrot liquid in a jar.
  • Add honey or sugar to sweeten.
  • Put ice in a glass, add the mixture and enjoy.

This beat is ideal for cooling off on a hot afternoon. If you don’t like beets, you can remove them from the recipe and make the juice with just the orange and carrots.

Include carrots in your diet if you are pregnant

Finally, carrots are a vegetable that should always be present in your home’s refrigerator, especially if you are pregnant. You will have many benefits from including carrots in your daily diet.

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