Do You Know The Facial Massage With A Spoon? Discover Its Amazing Effects!

Although consistency is essential for good results, these will depend a lot on our skin type, which is why some people will notice the changes before others.

Most women look for a way to delay the onset of the signs of aging through a facial massage or cosmetic product.

Although aging is a process that all humans go through, there is a desire to avoid it and stay young longer.

For your peace of mind, it has been proven that there are  habits and treatments that contribute to preserving the skin’s elasticity , as well as  increasing the production of substances that make it up. 

Protecting yourself from the sun, following a diet rich in antioxidants and having a beauty routine  are some of the factors that can help keep your skin in good condition.

In addition, we can consider some  facial products and techniques in order to maintain firmness and youth.

The faster you start practicing all these measures, the more likely you are to prevent wrinkles, blemishes and imperfections.

As we understand that many people cannot resort to professional procedures, today we want to share  an economical and easy to do at home rejuvenation method.

It deals with facial massage with a spoon, which focuses on treating certain points on the face to prevent the early signs of aging.

This practice, recommended by German makeup artist  René Koch, is already part of the beauty habits of thousands of women around the world. Find out more about her below.

What are the benefits of a facial massage with a spoon?

Facial massage with a spoon is a natural therapy to firm the skin and provide radiance. Its main advantage is that it can be done at home and does not require any major investment .

Among the benefits you can get by doing it, the following stand out, for example:

  • Elimination of liquids retained in tissues.
  • Decrease under  dark circles and bags.  
  • Elimination of toxins.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Greater elasticity and firmness of the face.
  • Prevention and reduction of wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Restoration of facial contour.
  • Decreased inflammation.

How to do a facial massage using a spoon?

Spoon massage is a very easy technique to perform and usually takes no more than 10 minutes a day. The first results can be noticed after 12 days of practice, although this also depends on the skin type.

You will need:

  • 2 spoons
  • Alcohol (amount required)
  • 1 glass of cold water (200 ml)
  • ice cubes
  • 1 cup of olive oil


  • First put the spoons in a little alcohol to disinfect and then put them in a glass of water and some ice cubes.
  • While they rest for a few minutes, remove the makeup from your  face, making sure there are no cosmetic remnants.
  • Then, when the spoons are cool, place them on the upper eyelids and hold them there for about 15 seconds.
  • Cool the spoons again and repeat the step 5 times.
  • Repeat the same process with the lower eyelids, in order to treat the inflamed eyes and dark circles.

Right after doing this first part,  place the spoons in a cup of hot olive oil, at a bearable temperature for the skin.

Leave them there for a few seconds and proceed to  massage the main lines of the face :

  • Over the top of the nose, the temples and the main hairline.
  • Then make a circular movement on the eyelids, from the inside corner to the outside.
  • Over the  cheeks, pass through the T area of ​​the face and nose to the sides.
  • From chin to top.
  • From the beginning of the neck to the chin.


Each of the spoon moves should be done between 5 and 10 times per row. Keep the spoon greased with oil for the massage to have good effects.

Right after the treatment, wait 5 minutes and rinse the skin with plenty of warm water.

The idea is that you spend between 1 and 2 minutes massaging each of the parts mentioned. However, at first you can do this in less time and increase.

Facial massage can be done at any time of the day, every day. However, for better effects it is recommended to do it moments before going to sleep .

It is important to take into account that its benefits vary from skin to skin, according to age and other daily habits.

Therefore, it is likely that for some people it will work in a few days, while others will have to wait a little longer.

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