Tips For Not Extreme Dieting

In this article we’ll show you some unhealthy diets, so we should consider them as bad practices and take advice directly opposite to what these diets offer.
Tips for not extreme dieting

At some point,  we all want to lose weight quickly, and we end up on extreme diets. The so-called “miracle diets” offer quick results without a lot of effort, but they have an accordion effect that will make us lose all the results obtained.

Atkins diet

Extreme Diets Contain No Carbohydrates

One of the best known diets is the Atkins diet. This type of practice offers a way to lose weight quickly by  minimizing your carbohydrate intake.  The Atkins diet advises you to base your daily diet on ingredients that are low in this type of nutrient.

However,  carbohydrate-rich foods make up the base of the food pyramid, so they are the products we should consume most often.

Following the Atkins diet generally leads us to consume as much fat and protein as we want, as long as we skip carbohydrate-rich foods. Therefore, we must increase the consumption of red meat, eggs and dairy products.

These are precisely the foods that, according to the food pyramid, we should limit most and limit moderately. Therefore,  the Atkins diet can be harmful to health.  This is due, on the one hand, to the consumption of large amounts of foods with cholesterol.

On the other hand, excessive protein intake can cause kidney problems and also make us  suffer from a vitamin and mineral deficit.

Dukan Diet

Another diet that promises miraculous results is Dukan, very rich in protein. It is made up of four phases:

  • First stage: only protein-rich foods are allowed for ten days.
  • Second stage: protein-rich foods are alternated with vegetable intake.
  • Third stage: little by little, carbohydrate foods are introduced.
  • Fourth stage: return to eating normally.

In many cases,  the Dukan diet has been described as dangerous to health.

People especially sensitive to the consequences of the Dukan diet are those with kidney or liver problems. This is due to what we have already mentioned: an excessive consumption of proteins can cause problems in these organs.

Extreme diets don't contain all the nutrients

intermittent fasting

Extreme diets include intermittent fasting diets such as the detox diet  . It is  based on limiting our diet to drinking water, soups or juices  for days or weeks.

This type of diet allows us to lose weight quickly, but these  will be pounds that we will gain again after a short period of time. Following such a diet will force our bodies to regain fat stores when we go back to a normal diet.

This type of diet is not meant to lose weight, as it does not allow us to adopt a healthy and balanced diet. It is therefore advisable not to follow these fasting diets as we  run the risk of even suffering from a nutrient deficit.

lightning diet

Foods and measures in extreme diets

This type of diet is based on cabbage soups, soups with lemon or apple cider vinegar. Most are based on focusing the diet on a specific food and promise to achieve rapid weight loss.

On the other hand, these diets  are often accompanied by long lists of prohibited foods.  These bans, in many cases, will increase the risk of causing us to fall into a nutrient deficit.

The conclusion we can draw is that this type of diet can lead to a high risk of suffering anxiety and hunger attacks. This in turn can lead to uncontrolled food intake.

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