A Nice Message From Stephen Hawking To People Who Are In A “black Hole”

Despite his physical limitations, Stephen Hawking is an example of strength and resilience, as he did not allow his condition to make him wreck psychologically.
A beautiful message from Stephen Hawking to people who are in a “black hole”

Stephen Hawking is one of the most admired men of our time, not only for having one of the most brilliant minds in the world, but also for being an example of resilience and life.

He was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford (England), and is known throughout the world for his research in theoretical physics.

One of his childhood dreams was to study mathematics  but, for reasons of life, upon entering university, he decided to bet on Natural Sciences.

In his first year at Cambridge, the young Hawking, just 21, began to experience symptoms of a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), which would change his life forever.

At the time, doctors estimated that he would live a maximum of two and a half years, but Hawking exceeded expectations and became one  of the most important figures in science.

Despite his physical condition, Hawking has delivered hundreds of speeches around the world. His wisdom has been shared in millions of documents and books, which have served for much new research.

However, in addition to knowing how the universe works, he knows a lot about life and the most difficult stages that a human being can experience.

In his most recent conference, the scientist spoke about depression, and made very important considerations with very clear examples and based on his experience.

Stephen Hawking gives a beautiful message to people with depression

empty-emotional woman

Today, Stephen Hawking is already 74 years old, but that doesn’t limit him. He continues to teach, research and share wonderful and inspiring messages around the world.

On different occasions, he has expressed that his expectations were reduced to zero when he was diagnosed, but now he recognizes that since then, every aspect of his life has been an asset.

He dedicated his existence to scientific investigation and the search for answers about the universe.

He cannot speak or move as he is limited to a wheelchair. Despite this, he found a way to communicate and inspire the world.

In a chat held at the Royal Institute in London in January, Hawking compared black holes to depression, making it clear that none of them is impossible to escape.


In response to what his inabilities have been, he added:

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Today, Stephen Hawking continues to inspire scientific minds, but also people who, in one way or another, have had to go through many difficulties in their lives.

Hawking considers science to be a very suitable field for people with physical disabilities, as it develops primarily in the mind. He clarifies that experimental work is out of order, but that theoretical work is ideal.

He also recognizes that many of the things he has achieved are due to the help of his loved ones, colleagues and students, who have always supported him.

His daughter, Lucy Hawking, shared a few words about what she thinks of her father:


In recent weeks, Stephen Hawking’s words have been shared around the world as a message to those who are drowning in depression and limitations.

His life experience and the way he expresses himself before the world are the clearest demonstrations of his wisdom and essence.

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