Benefits Of Oat Water And How To Prepare It At Home

Oat water is rich in fiber, and therefore satiates while helping to lose weight. It is ideal for avoiding the craving for sweets.
Benefits of oat water and how to prepare it at home

Probably when you think of oats, you think of those flakes that are put in milk or yogurt for breakfast. However, this cereal has many other uses, so we will tell you in this article what are the benefits of oat water and how to prepare it.

Why is it good to consume oat water?

Basically, its properties stem from the fact that oats have a lot of fiber, more than any other grain or cereal.

Thus, this translates into many benefits for our health, such as, for example, lowering blood pressure, improving stomach and gastric problems, losing weight and treating cancerous diseases.

Oat water is used to clean the intestinal canal and purify the bloodstream.

It is useful both to prevent and to cure various diseases, as it provides a general well-being for the body, especially with regard to the digestive and excretory systems. In the specific case of the intestine, it serves to lubricate it, help eliminate toxins and benefit the body.

The Benefits of Oat Water

It is recommended to drink oat water in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. Afterwards, we can have a second glass around noon, before lunch, and another one later in the evening, before dinner.

This way, it will make you feel more satisfied and not have a fierce appetite that will make you eat any dish in a matter of seconds.

Some people point out that before taking an oat water treatment to detoxify the body, you need to perform a general body cleansing routine that lasts approximately a week. Therefore, after this period, you can take it as indicated.

Uses and Benefits of Oat Water

We can highlight the following applications and advantages of oat water:

  • It lowers blood cholesterol levels as it cleans the arteries;
  • It stabilizes blood sugar levels, as it gives us satiety without increasing glucose production;
  • It reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer, as it does not allow the accumulation of toxins in the intestine;
Oat water consumed for breakfast
  • It reduces high blood pressure, as it does with cholesterol, by cleaning the blood;
  • Contributes to bowel evacuation, as it improves flora and prevents constipation;
  • It contributes to weight loss, as it provides satiety and allows you to go to the bathroom regularly;
  • Improves performance in sports, being an ideal complement for athletes or people who practice physical activities (you should drink a glass of oat water before starting training);
  • It improves the quality of sleep, which makes oat water a home remedy for insomnia.

Oat water to lose weight

Most people who consume oat water do so because of the liquid’s ability to help them lose weight.  That’s because it has a good amount of fiber that can be ingested in a single glass of this drink.

In addition, it has a small amount of calories, fats and sugars, which provides a lower intake of sweet foods, so it is perfect for when we are feeling very anxious and craving desserts and treats.


Dieters often go hungry. However, this is definitely not the best option. The good news is that oat water provides satiety for several hours and avoids the typical stomach noises that arise when we are hungry and want to eat.

It is possible to accompany the oat water with other fiber-rich foods, such as grated coconut, banana, strawberries, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla and cardamom, which, in addition, they also offer an even more delicious flavor to the preparation.

Recipes for Making Oat Water

If you want to consume it alone, do this at breakfast (before eating, ie on an empty stomach). It can be part of recipes such as smoothies, baked cookies, sauces and soups. It doesn’t have a very strong taste, so it is versatile and can be consumed with both sweet and savory foods.

Learn about the benefits of oat water

Recipe No. 1 of oat water


  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 4 scoops of barley miso


Boil the water. Remove from heat, add oat flakes, then soak for 30 minutes. Add barley and mix well. Ready! The drink is ready to consume. If you like, you can filter it and store it in a glass container.

Recipe No. 2 of oat water


  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 5 glasses of water
  • 2 scoops of barley miso


In this case, let’s boil the oats. Bring the water to a boil and when it comes to a boil add the oats. Cook for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and then allow it to cool to room temperature. Add the miso and mix well.

Cover the container with a cloth and leave overnight. In the morning, place the mixture in a blender and then blend well. It should be consumed cold and on an empty stomach.

Oat Water Recipe No. 3


  • 1 glass of water (200ml)
  • 1 spoon of oat flakes or bran
  • Honey, organic sugar, cinnamon or stevia (sweetener to taste)


This last option has a natural sweetener. Make this recipe at night and if you want more servings, multiply the amounts of the ingredients.

So, put the oats in water and, right after, also add the sweetener of your choice. Set aside overnight and drink in the morning, fasting soon after waking up. You can take it cold, warm or hot, or whatever you like.

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