Vegetables For Kids: Foolproof Recipes!

Vegetables are vitally important foods in the life and growth of the little ones in the house. We will now share some recipes to make at home.
Vegetables for children: foolproof recipes!

Vegetable recipes to please children should be important when cooking. Vegetables are one of the most nutritious foods out there. They can be included in meatless diets for their high protein content. Lentils, chickpeas, beans or other types of vegetables provide numerous nutritional levels.

Consequently, it is so important that you include them in the recipes that you prepare for your children with different types of vegetables and veggies. You can also combine them with other staple foods such as cereals and vegetables.

Why are vegetable recipes important for children?

Vegetables are very important and should not be missing from anyone’s diet, especially children, as they contain vitamin complexes that contribute to your child’s growth and health. Adding vegetables to your child’s diet in a balanced way has multiple benefits.

They are a good source of protein.

Vegetables, when combined with cereals such as rice or pasta, become a source of methionine. The methionine is an amino acid that helps to maintain the skin, nails and hair.

They are low in fat but rich in minerals and vitamin B.

Vegetables offer a lot of iron, ideal for keeping your child’s diet healthy and balanced. In addition, they are low in calories and help to prevent and treat anemia.

Offer fiber

Fiber is essential in a child’s diet, as it directly helps the digestive system. For this reason, it is recommended that children suffering from constipation eat vegetables at least twice a day.

What are the best vegetable recipes for kids?

Creative Pea Recipes: Pea Pie, Ricotta and Bacon

This pie is ideal for a different family lunch. It’s high in protein and carbohydrates and is a creative way to get your kids to eat vegetables.


  • 300 grams of ricotta.
  • 35 grams of frozen peas.
  • 120 grams of smoked bacon.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 onion fulfilled.
  • 3 tablespoons of heavy cream.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt and butter until you get a sandy texture. Then add the previously beaten eggs and mix until all ingredients are integrated. Line the mold where you are going to prepare the pie with the dough and refrigerate it for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°, take the dough out of the refrigerator and place it in the oven for approximately 15 minutes.

For the filling, chop the onion, garlic, medium onion and bacon. Fry the bacon with the onion, remove from heat and add the garlic and medium onion. Then fill the pie and take it to the oven at 200 °C until the surface is browned. When ready, let it cool to eat.

Creative Chickpea Recipes: Chickpea Salad Sandwich

This recipe is ideal for the snacks your kids ask for after arriving from a day of classes and extracurricular activities. Not only is it easy to prepare, but it also provides lots of nutrients and energy.

Vegetable dish for children


  • Loaf bread.
  • 1 can of chickpeas.
  • Lettuce.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.
  • Onion.
  • celery.


The amount you use for each ingredient will depend on how many loaves you make. The first thing you should do is wash the chickpeas, cook and drain them, then grind them and add the mayonnaise to taste.

Then add the onion, celery and mix everything well. When everything is mixed, place the lettuce in the bowl and stir. When the chickpea salad is ready, fill the buns and go!

Creative Bean Recipes: Black Bean Burgers

Black bean hamburgers are among the most delicious recipes with vegetables for children. These black bean hamburgers, in addition to being very simple to prepare, also provide the protein needed for your child’s growth. It’s an excellent way to create a combination of fast food and nutritious food.


  • 1/2 onion cut into cubes.
  • 1 can of black beans or 400 g of dry black beans.
  • 1/2 cup of flour.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tsp garlic powder.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Seasonings of your choice: fresh parsley, oregano, etc.
  • Frying oil.


Put the onion to fry until golden. At the same time, grind the beans until they are pureed and put them in a bowl, add the onions and the rest of the ingredients except the oil.

Gradually add the flour and knead into a dough that you can make into the shape of a meat hamburger. Once you do, cook it with oil on both sides until they are fully cooked.

Finally, just assemble the bean burgers and add whatever side dishes you want.

Vegetables for children on the spoon

Getting your kids to eat vegetables isn’t that hard if you put on your chef’s hat and get  creative. There are many recipes that you can include vegetables that your child will undoubtedly not resist.

Prepare these recipes with vegetables that are sure to catch your child’s attention.

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