How To Prevent Eyelash Falling Out With Some Homemade Tricks

Healthy and long eyelashes make the look more captivating and expressive, however, not all of them are lucky enough to have them in this state.
How to prevent eyelash falling out with some homemade tricks

In addition to playing an important role at the aesthetic level, eyelashes also act as eye protectors, as they prevent the passage of foreign agents from the environment and reduce the impact of UV rays. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about preventing eyelashes from falling out.

The problem is that, as with hair, they tend to weaken from nutrient deficiencies  or constant exposure to chemicals and other aggressive substances in the environment.

The good news is that there are many ways to strengthen your lashes in order to control their fall and promote their volume and length.

In this article we’ll share some homemade tricks that help keep eyelashes beautiful.

Increase your intake of vitamin E to prevent eyelashes from falling

Dried fruits to prevent eyelashes from falling

Vitamin E has antioxidant effects that reduce the impact of free radicals  while stimulating cell regeneration.

Its consumption is very healthy for the skin, but it also has great benefits for the hair and eyelashes.

Some foods that contain it are:

  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Almonds and walnuts.
  • Red chili pepper.
  • Pinion.
  • Peanut.
  • Basil.
  • Oregano.
  • Damascus.
  • Green olives.
  • Spinach.

Castor oil

Castor oil contains significant amounts of vitamin E and essential fatty acids that contribute to strengthening the strands.

Its direct use on hair and eyelashes prevents falling and, in addition, stimulates their natural growth.

How to use?

  • Dip a clean brush into the oil and then apply a thin layer twice a day.
  • You can make this part of your routine to enjoy all the effects.

Almond oil

The use of almond oil is one of the best alternatives to care for eyelashes, remove makeup and protect the skin.

Its vitamins and minerals keep hair healthy and nourished, while its antioxidants reduce oxidative damage to prevent premature aging. 

How to use?

  • Look for pure almond oil in the market. Use a brush to apply a thin layer of product.
  • Use every night before bed.

Olive oil

Olive oil to prevent eyelashes from falling

Like the oils already mentioned, olive  oil has the ability to nourish the lashes from the root and therefore prevents them from falling out. 

How to use?

  • Dip a clean brush into the oil and apply a thin layer before bed.
  • The next day rinse with warm water and a mild soap.
  • Repeat your application every day.


This is one of the most economical remedies that can be found. It has an emollient and protective effect that curbs damage caused by molecules in the environment  to facilitate regeneration and growth.

As it is moisturizing, it acts as a natural conditioner to have more defined lashes.

How to use?

  • With a clean brush, apply a thick layer of pure petroleum jelly to the lashes.
  • Repeat the same action every night before bed.

Green tea

Green tea to prevent eyelash falling

This natural ingredient is very popular for its high content of flavonoids, antioxidants that curb cell damage. This same benefit can be used in the treatment against falling eyelashes.

How to use?

  • Put a small bag of green tea in a cup of boiling water, let it settle and take it to the fridge.
  • When cool, submerge a piece of cotton in the liquid and apply over the eyelashes.
  • In case of allergic reaction, discontinue use.
  • Repeat the treatment every day before bed.

remove all mascara

In addition to considering some of the remedies we’ve discussed in this article, it’s critical to keep in mind that mascara should be removed every day.

This type of product contains harsh chemical ingredients that can end up deteriorating the outer fibers of the eyelashes.

How to make?

  • Start by moistening each eyelash with a little warm water and let it sit for 2 minutes.
  • After that time, wet each strand again and begin to remove the mascara with a soft cloth.

Keep in mind that the results vary greatly depending on how often the tricks are applied and also depending on the fall.  Test the tips for a few weeks at a time and you’ll start to notice the results.

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