Gallstones: Recommended Foods

If you suffer from gallstones, it is important to consult a specialist to find the right treatment for you. Some foods can help relieve symptoms.
Gallstones: Recommended Foods


The appearance of gallstones is a consequence of many factors.

These are crystals or deposits that form and are stored in the gallbladder. This produces nuisances when the size of the stones increases.

Their dimensions vary in large proportions. The smallest can be as large as a grain of sand, however, the largest can be the size of a golf ball.


  • Pain when inhaling deeply.
  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Pain on the right side of the chest that may spread to the right shoulder or back.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Fever: appears when there is already an infection.
  • Flatulence.
  • Clear stools.
  • Jaundice. The skin has a yellowish color due to the retention of bile, which, incidentally, is also that color.


There are different reasons that can lead to gallstones. We can mention the following:

  • When substances such as cholesterol, calcium bilirubinate or calcium carbonate crystallize or harden.

Some data

Pain caused by gallstones is usually located in the upper and right quadrant of the abdomen.

Diet for patients with gallstones

Maintaining a balanced diet is paramount to overcoming a gallbladder attack. It is convenient to change eating habits. During these days of suffering it is recommended to eat:

  • All the vegetables you want. However, it is important that they are cooked, as this will make them easier to digest.
  • All fruits except coconut and avocado.
  • All whole grains because they are high in fiber. Consider pasta, rice or whole grain bread.
  • Low-fat meats. Prepare them on the grill. If it’s chicken, let it be skinless.
  • Milk and its derivatives are also advisable as long as they are skimmed.
  • Water.
  • Fruit juice.

  • Fatty meats: sausages, cutlets, goose or duck meat.
  • Fatty fish: sardines, salmon or tuna.
  • Oilseeds: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts.
  • Whole milk and other derivatives such as yoghurt, cottage cheese and high-fat cheeses.
  • Guts: kidneys, heart, liver, guts.
  • Animal fat.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Desserts: cookies, chocolates, puff pastries.
  • Prepared sauces.

How to prevent gallstones with diet?

A balanced diet is the principle to prevent any disease. So this case is no different. Here are some tips:

  • Consume monounsaturated fats in moderate portions. For example, extra virgin olive oil.
  • Lecithin also helps keep cholesterol levels down. It is found in 100% cocoa or dark chocolate, eggs, soy and milk.
  • In the afternoon, you can have turmeric tea. Curcumin is an antioxidant that benefits digestion, liver metabolism, reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of gallstones.
  • Exercise. Thus, you avoid sedentary lifestyle and the problems it entails.

Improve your diet to avoid gallstones

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