Learn How To Make A Decorative Cake Cream

If you want to decorate your cakes and other desserts (muffins, cookies, etc.) with a simple frosting but with a nice appearance, the best option is a cream. Next, we’ll show you how to prepare it.
Learn how to prepare a decorative cream for cakes

Decorating cream for cakes is a very simple preparation. It doesn’t include many ingredients and doesn’t require a long or complicated procedure. On the contrary, it  can be achieved with great ease and the result is excellent. For this reason, many people turn to decorative cream to finish their desserts with little effort.

So grab your apron and get ready to decorate those pretty sweets you want to show off. Will you let the compliment pass? You certainly don’t want that, much less if you’re proud of the amazing taste you got from your cake.

Today we are going to show you how to prepare a decorative cream for cakes. As you’ve probably already seen, there are cakes that require a lot of previous experience. The option we’ll present today is simpler and you don’t have to be a professional. By preparing and using this delicious topping, you will gain experience.

Now, it  ‘s important to note that creativity is crucial when decorating a cake. In this way, we will give an original and personal touch. Of course, that’s unless you’ve got the idea of ​​a photo. This can be achieved by making decorations or adding other ingredients. Decoration is important because it’s what will make our cake look beautiful and attractive.

Decorative cream recipe for cakes

When decorating our cake, it is necessary to do it with ingredients that do not require refrigeration.  Therefore, chocolate and condensed milk are not very suitable unless they are consumed in a short period of time. Thanks to its creamy and smooth texture, the decorative cream that we are going to prepare is the most used in confectionery. It is very versatile and easy to make.

Usually this cream includes flour, milk and eggs. Flavor is added using ingredients such as lemon zest or other essences. The ways in which decorative cake cream can be prepared are many. The difference between them lies in the types of ingredients and the way they are added during preparation.

The recipe we will present is designed to prepare a base cream using easily accessible ingredients. So you can add other flavors and ingredients to make it more diverse.


  • 3 egg yolks (90 g).
  • 4 cups of milk (1 liter).
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (80 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (5 ml).
  • Lemon zest (to taste)
  • 1/2 cup of cornstarch or cornstarch (90 g).


  1. Put the milk in a saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. Add sugar to milk and lemon zest. Mix the ingredients well. In another bowl, mix egg yolks with cornstarch.
  3. When the milk starts to boil, pour this mixture into the bowl of egg yolks and cornstarch.
  4. When you have mixed well, place this mixture over low heat and stir until it becomes a thick cream.
  5. Finally, add the vanilla essence and stir vigorously. Let cool. When it’s cold, the cream is ready to be applied to your cake.
  6. When ready, place the cake on a stable surface. With a wooden spoon, spread the cream over the top of the cake and spread over the entire surface. Then, with the help of a spatula, mold the cream around the cake into the desired shape.

You will probably think that your cake looks too simple with just a white cream, but you can use vegetable coloring to add a more personal touch to the cake. Let’s say the cream is blue and you spread colored sparks or sliced ​​almonds over it. The result will be, without a doubt, very beautiful.

Select the colors you want to use depending on the shape you want to give your cake. Use a confectionery bag (if you have one) with multiple spouts to put your imagination into action. Go ahead and create different pictures of flowers, roses, leaves, letters and anything else you can imagine.

individual dessert

Some recommendations

These are some recommendations to keep in mind when making your cream, as well as some ideas for improving the recipe.

  • Always use the correct amounts of each ingredient. During the process, you can check that the consistency is as expected and that it tastes good.
  • Avoid mixing in aluminum containers  as this can lead to an unwanted appearance. Use plastic or glass containers.
  • Sift the cornstarch or cornstarch before adding it  to avoid lumps.
  • It is important that the vanilla essence is added at the end, not while the mixture is on the fire, as it may evaporate.
  • There are many ingredients you can add to your decorative cream to vary the flavor. For example, you can use butter, margarine, orange zest instead of lemon, cinnamon, or even add chocolate. The important thing is that it doesn’t overshadow the flavor of the cake.

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