4 Plants To Accelerate The Healing Of A Stye

Don’t know how to speed up a sty’s healing? So, today you are going to discover some options that can help you solve the problem using herbal remedies.
4 plants to accelerate the healing of a stye

Sty is an inflammation of the Zeis and Mol glands that is caused by an infection that causes pain, tenderness and swelling in the eyelid. In this article, we are going to point out some herbal solutions to speed up a sty’s healing and get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Although styes are usually light, they can cause complications and serious discomfort in some cases. Therefore, you can use any of the remedies that we propose as a complement to the treatment indicated by your doctor.

Herbs to Accelerate the Healing of a Sty

As this article indicates, the sty is the most frequent cause of ophthalmologic consultation. This disease is caused by bacteria of the staphylococcal genus. If you have blepharitis, don’t maintain good facial hygiene (such as removing makeup), or don’t wash your hands properly, you can easily catch this disease.

1. Euphrasia

Euphrasian flowers
This plant has antimicrobial properties that help eliminate the infection caused by the sty.

The article: Evidence of the use of medicinal plants in eye infections highlights the effectiveness of using this plant as an option to accelerate the healing of styes. The reasons why it might be a great choice are as follows:

  • Relieves eye irritation.
  • It acts directly on the mucous membranes.
  • It has an astringent activity.
  • It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

One way to use euphrasia is by making an infusion. Soon after, it is necessary to soak a compress, cotton or a sterile gauze and apply to the closed eyelids for 5 minutes. We can also use this preparation to wash your eyes thoroughly.

2. Celidonia

Celidonia is another option to speed up the healing of a sty, because this plant has very beneficial properties that can help us improve the appearance and make the problem go away in a few days.

  • It has antiviral properties.
  • It has an antibacterial activity.
  • Helps to deflate the eyelids.

As in the previous case, the best way to use this herb is to prepare an infusion. Soon after, take a gauze, cotton or a compress and moisten well with the infusion.

However, care must be taken not to apply gauze soaked in very hot water over closed eyes. It is important that the water is warm in order to keep it for 5 minutes without suffering any kind of burn.

3. Calendula

Calendula to accelerate the healing of a stye
Calendula flowers have a calming effect that helps to reduce swelling caused by styes.

Calendula can also be of great help in speeding up healing. Among its various features and properties, we highlight a few:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Great healing power.
  • Antibacterial.

All of this makes it essential for accelerating the healing of styes. The best way to take advantage of all its properties is to make a plaster. For this, prepare a normal infusion with marigold leaves. When it is warm, soak a gauze or compress and apply it over the sty region. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Green tea

The last of the options to speed up the healing of a sty is green tea. An infusion that, of course, we all have at home and whose properties are beneficial for the health of the entire body and also the skin.

Polyphenols are among the beneficial properties of green tea. Among its features and benefits, we can mention its effects:

  • Antivirals.
  • Anti-inflammatories.
  • Antiallergics.

It is important to apply this remedy as a compress or poultice, as we saw earlier. Also, we must be patient and do this once a day.

Additional Tips for Accelerating the Healing of a Stye

young woman removing makeup
Proper cleansing of the face will help prevent follicles from clogging and the development of styes.

In addition to applying these remedies to speed up the sty’s healing, you need to consider some tips. This is important if you are in a period where this problem appears relatively frequently. Why could this be happening?

  • Maybe you don’t remove makeup before bed. This is very important, as we must not forget that eyeshadows and mascara can favor the appearance of the sty. Also, it is essential to use proper eye care products.
  • Likewise, we have to avoid touching or scratching our eyes with our hands, as they are not always clean.

If, despite the above remedies, this problem continues to appear frequently, don’t hesitate to talk to your trusted doctor. It will indicate the best treatment and the best way to find the source of this problem.

Do you usually have a sty? Are they discreet or, on the contrary, do they cause irritation and discomfort to the eyes? As such, we hope that these herbal remedies can help you and that you are much more aware that it is necessary to remove makeup every night and not forget to wash your hands to avoid it.

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