How To Prevent Hair Loss

Poor nutrition can cause the capillary structure to weaken. Tiredness and lack of sleep are other factors that can cause hair loss.
How to prevent hair loss

Hair loss is an increasingly common problem in men and women and can be related to daily factors that often go unnoticed.

It is considered normal to fall up to 100 hairs per day. Therefore, the worry usually appears only when we notice that the hair is falling out too often and in large amounts.

When we notice hair loss, the first step is to identify the reason for the hair problem. This information will be important for us to take the necessary steps.

The reasons why the hairs fall out are factors such as weather, stress, anemia , inadequate nutrition, genetic problems, among others.

So, today in this space, find out how to prevent and treat this problem.

Advice to keep hair healthy and prevent hair loss

If you notice that your hair is losing vitality and falling out too often, it is important to immediately stop using flat irons, blow dryers and any other type of treatment that exposes your hair to excessive heat.

These elements can further weaken hair loss, so it is highly recommended to avoid them.

Also, maintaining a balanced diet is very important for hair health. Nutritional deficiencies are directly associated with hair loss; weakening the structure and causing breakage of the threads.

Therefore, a diet rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, biotin, vitamin C, copper, iron, zinc, protein and water is recommended.

Tight hairstyles on women also cause hair loss. This type of hairstyle produces a side effect called traction which therefore causes hair loss.

More advice

There are two important factors in having healthy hair: rest and good sleep. Studies have shown that people who sleep well tend to have less hair loss.

Fatigue and tiredness are two other factors that can produce a fall.

Also, the use of strong chemicals can greatly weaken the hair and scalp, which is another major cause of hair loss.

The frequent use of inks chemically strong and shampoos also makes hair lose vitality. In this case, it is recommended to avoid its use and opt for more natural products.

Some people make it a habit to wash their hair every day. With hair in a state of fall, avoid washing it daily, this way it will let it “rest” from the humidity and the products used.

Before combing your hair or doing any styling, make sure it is completely dry. Damp hair causes the capillary pores to open and therefore there will be more shedding.

Physical activity also helps with hair health. The regular practice of physical exercise stimulates the circulation of the scalp. 

Avoid all kinds of stressful situations and worries;  these factors influence hair loss and can even become the main cause.

When you notice that your hair starts to fall outside the normal range of 100 hairs a day, look for a dermatologist, who will accurately identify the cause of the problem and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Natural Remedies Against Hair Loss


inner aloe

It is recommended to massage the scalp with the pulp of the aloe to stop hair loss.

onion and lemon

To prevent hair loss, mix the juice of a lemon with the juice of an onion, then massage the scalp. Finally, let it act for 15 minutes and rinse.

Coconut milk

coconut oil

Massaging the hair root with coconut milk  will strengthen the hair , prevent it from falling out, and encourage growth and shine.

fish liver oil

Fish liver oil noticeably prevents and decreases shedding.  Simply apply the oil directly to the scalp at night, leave it on and rinse off in the morning.



Tomatoes will help combat hair loss and noticeably reduce the problem. To do this, just crush a tomato with cloves and then apply it to the scalp, leaving it to act for 10 minutes.

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