The 7 Best Fat Burning Drinks

The best thing about these fat burning drinks is that, in addition to being satiating and facilitating weight loss, they allow us to purge toxins and keep the body hydrated.
The 7 Best Drinks to Burn Fat

If you are trying to lose weight and, in addition to diet and exercise, you want to add something more to your routine, be sure to try the following fat burning drinks. They are easy to prepare, delicious, and very effective.

Burn Fat With Healthy Drinks

In addition to consuming two liters of water a day (minimum), we recommend that you include at least one of these fat burning drinks in your diet.

If you maintain a balanced diet and exercise three times a week, the results will be noticed soon, keeping in mind that there are no magic or miracle formulas.

vegetable juices

Before meals, drink a green juice, made with raw vegetables, to satiate your appetite and reduce your calorie intake. Vegetables provide much more nutrients when they are not cooked.

You can make the combinations you like best (spinach, celery, carrots, broccoli, etc).

In addition, vegetable juices are perfect to consume between meals because they prevent you from “snacking” anything (especially fatty snacks or sweets).

In summer they can even be ideal for quenching thirst and nourishing the body.

water and lemon

Lemon water: healthy combination to burn fat

You already know that water is essential for removing toxins from the body. If you add lemon, you can also detoxify the liver.

This will help you to better metabolize the fat that accumulates in the abdomen and waist.

Warm water with lemon increases the production of digestive enzymes, which burn fat and allow for better liver function.

The antioxidants of this great citrus make it possible to have more beautiful skin (they destroy the bacteria that cause acne, for example)

In addition, warm water reduces constipation and cleans the colon.


  • 1 cup of warm water (250 ml)
  • ½ lemon juice


  • Heat the water while squeezing out the lemon juice.
  • Pour water into a cup and add juice.
  • Mix well and drink fasting every day for a month.

artichoke water

Artichokes are one of the vegetables with the greatest diuretic power that exists.

The water resulting from cooking them is equally healthy and efficient because it allows us to purify liver fats and eliminate toxins.

In addition to eating the artichoke, we recommend that you do not throw the liquid out of the pan when cooking it. Drink it like a broth!

White tea

White tea to burn fat

We hear a lot about green tea’s weight loss properties, but we shouldn’t underestimate white tea’s health benefits.

It is great for burning fat, especially from the abdomen. In addition, it is a delicious drink that offers us several benefits (among them, that of lowering cholesterol).

You can consume up to three cups of white tea a day. You can buy the white tea envelopes at a health or health food store. If you want, sweeten it with honey.

  • If you are unable or prefer to change the flavor of your infusions a little, you can try other teas, such as green and black.
  • You can also try horsetail, dandelion, nettle or bay infusions.
  • They all have diuretic properties that will help not only to eliminate fluids, but also to burn fat.

blueberry juice

These small dark colored fruits are a great source of beneficial acids: malic, quinic and citric.

They all function as digestive enzymes that emulsify the lymphatic system’s fat deposits.

This means that they take care of those wastes that the liver does not process.

Blueberry juice is perfect for people with high cholesterol or diabetes because it improves blood quality. Don’t hesitate to drink a cup a day (preferably for breakfast).

Coconut Water

green coconut water

Refreshing, delicious and very nutritious. To get coconut water it is not necessary to go to the beach, as you can find it in many stores.

It is an ideal drink for athletes because it contains 5 times more potassium than the so-called “isotonic drinks”. Therefore, avoid the typical muscle cramps after training.

For those people who do not do intense physical activity, coconut water is also recommended.

This is because it favors the elimination of toxins, is a powerful antioxidant, improves digestion and hydrates us.

Ginger tea

Because it increases body temperature, ginger is an excellent fat burner.

Its thermogenic agents are in charge of eliminating all the residues accumulated in the abdomen (the fat in this region can be caused by sedentary lifestyle, stress or hormonal problems).

In addition, ginger tea suppresses cortisol production.

If you’re having a bad day at work or you’ve realized that spending so many hours sitting in front of your computer caused you to gain weight, then we recommend drinking this infusion.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon of grated ginger (2 g)


  • Heat the water and, when it boils, remove from heat.
  • Add the grated ginger and boil for 5 minutes.
  • You can add honey to sweeten it.
  • Drink immediately.

Cinnamon and apple water

apple and cinnamon tea

A delicious and nutritious option that helps people who want to lose weight, but also eliminate toxins from the body.

You can drink up to 1 liter a day, and the good news is that both apples and cinnamon sticks can be reused over and over again.


  • 1 apple
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup of ice
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Peel the apple and cut it into thin slices.
  • Place them in a glass jar along with the cinnamon stick.
  • Add the ice cubes and finally the water.
  • Let stand for a few minutes, or until the ice melts.
  • Drink throughout the day.

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