Learn About 7 Options To Control Lupus

These options can be a great addition to the medical treatment of lupus, but we should always consult a doctor about their use and not make decisions on our own.
Discover 7 options to control lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease of which little is known. For this reason, today we will discover how we can help control lupus if we are suffering from it.

Among the few things we know about lupus is that it  is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs  and that there are approximately 5 million people affected worldwide.

Of course, it is very rare to find two patients with the same problems or symptoms, as one of the main characteristics of lupus is that it is very heterogeneous.

This disease attacks organs and tissues such as joints, muscles, skin, kidneys, brain, etc. On many occasions, as this study points out, lupus is closely related to depression and anxiety.

Options for controlling lupus

In addition to following the treatments prescribed by the doctor, we can use the following options to control lupus in the best way possible.

1. Massages

Massage to control lupus

One of the oldest, most popular, and handcrafted ways to control lupus is through massage. They are useful because they can provide the following benefits:

  • Detoxify your body
  • Decrease stress levels
  • Improve metabolic efficiency
  • Reduce inflammation

Massages are a good option to treat this problem in the long term. A weekly massage is enough, but be sure to get it from a specialist.

While this can be more expensive, the benefits are most visible from day one. You should also be sure to let the massage therapist know that you have used them as part of your lupus treatment.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil has large amounts of omega 9. This type of fat is ideal for controlling or preventing inflammation, which is one of the main symptoms of lupus.

Olive oil also provides a good number of phytonutrients. They help protect the body from the effects of chronic disease. The only thing you need to do is include olive oil in your daily diet.

You can add it as a dressing to seasoning your salads or for cooking, in place of canola oil and the like.

In addition to including olive oil, having a low-sugar diet prevents flare-ups of lupus.

3. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps reduce lupus symptoms

One of the side effects of this disease is that it reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body.

This change can be repaired with apple cider vinegar, as it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the body. Maintaining this balance is important. On the other hand, the detoxifying qualities that this type of vinegar offers are also important.

To include apple cider vinegar in your diet, you have several options.

  • Use it to season your salads or to create natural preserves with some foods.
  • Drink a glass of water with vinegar a day, even better in the morning.

4. Basil

Herbal options are favorites and the first choice for treating chronic illnesses. In the case of lupus, basil is one of the first alternatives you should consider.

As it is anti-inflammatory and contains natural antioxidants, it is an herb that helps your body adapt to stress and enzyme imbalances.

Use red basil to add flavor to your dishes and benefit from all its properties.

5. Probiotics

Maintaining good stomach health is essential to controlling lupus.

Nutrient deficiency is common in patients with this disease, so it is essential to ensure adequate nutrient absorption.

Building a base of probiotic bacteria in the gut helps prevent inflammation. This causes cytokines (proteins that regulate cell function) to spread throughout the body.

6. Coconut oil

Adding coconut oil to your diet helps to have a better balance in your immune system, improves digestion, controls cholesterol levels and decreases the frequency of lupus attacks.

Our recommendation is that you include it in your diet, alternating with olive oil.

We understand that the flavor of olive oil is much more familiar to our taste buds, but you will only need a few days to adapt to this new oil.

7. Ginger

Ginger helps reduce lupus symptoms

Ginger is usually consumed by people with arthritis and joint pain. The qualities that make it a good alternative for these discomforts can also be beneficial for people with lupus.

One of the first and most frequent symptoms of the disease is swelling or inflammation, along with joint pain.

Getting relief from this problem can be the first step in getting back to a good quality of life.

Lupus is a very dangerous disease, therefore, it requires a lot of care and attention on your part. If you have been diagnosed, it is important to follow all your doctor’s recommendations.

Also, using these natural options will help you complement your treatment and reduce your symptoms. Are you excited to try these options for controlling lupus?

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