7 Reasons To Consume Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is one of the most widely planted vegetables in the world. It is present in almost every kitchen globally and stands out for its cosmetic, medicinal and culinary benefits.
7 reasons to consume cucumber juice

Have you tried cucumber juice? Do you know its beneficial properties for health?

Cucumber is the fruit of the cucumber, an annual grass plant ( Cucumis sativus ).

Even though it is originally from India, it has gradually been integrated into the diet and cuisine of different civilizations around the world.

cucumber composition

A large part of the attraction of this vegetable is its weight in water, which in some cases reaches 96% of its total.

Furthermore, it is a low calorie food (13 kcal per 100 g) due to its low proportion of sugars, fats and proteins.

Among the nutrients that this vegetable offers, the following stand out:

  • Vitamins (C, E and B complex)
  • Minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium)

For this reason, nutrition experts often include cucumbers in their diets.

Even though it is usually consumed in salads or in pickles, cucumber is also a wonderful base for juices, as its neutral flavor makes it possible to combine it with other fruits and vegetables.

A practical alternative: cucumber juice

Reasons to Consume Cucumber Juice

Natural juices provide vitamins and minerals quickly and directly.

They are easier to be absorbed and digested, and keep the body hydrated. Also, they help in eliminating toxins.

Thus, we achieved an organism in conditions that could not be better, both physically, immunologically and energetically.

Here are 7 important reasons why you should consume cucumber juice:

1. Helps to lose weight

In addition to having one of the lowest calorie levels,  its consumption brings a feeling of satiety.

  • Due to its gel and fiber texture, it makes digestion slower and helps us to feel satisfied for much longer.
  • It also helps to stop eating out of anxiety and thus maintain a healthy weight.

2. Favors digestion


woman with indigestion

Cucumber contains fiber and water. Drinking water reduces reflux symptoms and increases stomach pH.

Fiber, on the other hand, allows for faster intestinal transit and reduces the effects of constipation.

3. Moisturizes

The body loses water throughout the day. For this reason, it is not difficult for symptoms of dehydration to appear at certain times.

Cucumber juice or water is a perfect remedy to combat fluid loss, as it brings us large amounts of water and mineral salts.

4. Reduces the risk of cancer

According to a scientific study conducted in 2016, this effect arises from the activity of cucurbitacins and some other cucumber substances, such as lignans.

These elements can block the survival of cancer cells, so they can reduce the risk of suffering from different types of cancer.

Even though such studies are still preliminary, it doesn’t hurt to consume a good glass of cucumber juice.

 5. Helps control blood pressure


man having heart attack

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above limits considered healthy.

This “silent disease” increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. 

Cucumber juice contains fiber, magnesium and a considerable percentage of potassium, nutrients that are related to lowering blood pressure.

Since this disease does not usually have clear symptoms, it is important to prevent it.

6. Fights acidity

Regulates the pH of the blood in the body by its alkaline properties. We must know that excess acidity from consuming foods with an acidic pH weakens all of our systems.

Such imbalance is responsible for diseases such as premature aging, obesity or cardiovascular problems, among others.

7. Vitamin B source

The B-complex vitamins are essential for the correct functioning of the body, as they participate in the processes of the nervous system, increase energy levels and activate metabolism.

Including cucumbers in our regular diet is a simple way to reduce some negative effects related to stress and anxiety.

Processed or homemade juices?

In the markets there is a large quantity of juices for immediate consumption. However, the content of preservatives and artificial colors can cause poisoning or allergic reactions in our body.

For this reason,  making homemade juices is the best option.

Now you know some reasons why cucumber juice is an excellent alternative to care for and improve your health.

Don’t forget to consider it on your shopping list the next time you go to the grocery store.

Remember: there is nothing better than investing in health.

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