Acrylamide In Food: Risks And How To Avoid It

Acrylamide is a carcinogen that we should avoid using. Therefore, the ideal is to cook food at low temperatures, remove its burnt parts and reduce the consumption of sweets and processed foods.
Acrylamide in food: risks and how to avoid it

Acrylamide is a carcinogen generated in products that contain starch and undergo cooking processes at high temperatures, above 120 degrees. In foods, acrylamide is formed from sugars and amino acids in a process called the Maillard reaction.

What are the risks?

Acrylamide is distributed to all organs. Oral exposure increases the likelihood of developing genetic mutations and tumors. In addition, it can also have harmful effects on the nervous system and the development of the fetus.

It is not possible to establish a ‘tolerable dose’ because any exposure to this substance can cause DNA damage and thus increase the risk of developing tumors.

Carcinogenic substance

As we said, acrylamide is a carcinogen. Despite this, it cannot be prohibited because it is impossible to remove starch from food. So the key is to have a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In this way, antioxidants and their anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effect attenuate the harmful effects of acrylamide.

Anyway, the fact of consuming this substance does not mean that cancer will necessarily develop in the future. It is, simply, a toxic that increases the chances of this happening, but cancer is a complex and multifactorial disease.

In which foods is acrylamide found in greater proportions?

French fries and acrylamide

French fries are the main source of acrylamide intake. However, coffee, soft breads and biscuits are also foods with a high risk of containing this substance. On many occasions it can also be found in breakfast cereals and in cakes or sweets. Even baby foods can be a potential source of this substance.

One way to identify foods that may contain this substance in large amounts is to look at its color. The characteristic brown color of roasted foods indicates a potential risk of high acrylamide concentrations. A very clear example is the toast made with sliced ​​bread. Therefore, it is important to remove the darkest parts of food.

And outside of food?

Acrylamide can also be found in cigarettes. This is dangerous for the smokers themselves and also for those around them who inhale cigarette smoke.

Possible solutions

The first effective method to reduce or prevent the intake of acrylamide in foods is to pay attention to cooking methods. Avoiding fried foods and breaded products is the main strategy. Therefore, oven, griddle, steam and cooking are the proper methods to prepare meals without the risk of consuming this substance.

However, when roasting food, it is important not to exceed 180-200 degrees in temperature. In addition, it is advisable to rotate the products that are placed in the oven every 10 minutes to prevent them from getting burnt.

It is also important to avoid consuming burnt or heavily roasted foods, as they are likely to contain this substance. Another effective strategy is to soak the potatoes before cooking to remove some of the starch. Washing rice is also a good option.

In relation to coffee, the ideal is to choose natural varieties that are not very roasted. The coffee with the highest concentration of acrylamide is instant. However, the concentration can also vary depending on the variety and origin of the coffee, as well as its filtration. Acrylamide is a water-soluble molecule. Therefore, any coffee filtering process considerably reduces the amount of this toxicant.

Coffee and acrylamide

With regard to oils, to avoid the formation of acrylamide, it is interesting to use extra virgin olive oil instead of other vegetable oils. That’s because it better withstands temperature and successive cooking. Thus, it is less susceptible to the development of this toxicant.

However, we should not allow the fried foods to burn or brown too much to avoid complications. It is necessary to take into account that cold stimulates this substance. Therefore, starchy foods such as French fries should not be stored in the refrigerator.

Conclusion on Acrylamide in Food

Acrylamide is a carcinogen that we should avoid using. Therefore, the ideal is to cook food at low temperatures, remove its burnt parts and reduce the consumption of sweets and processed foods.

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